First learn the words and word combinations by heart given below:
1) succeed [ ] – добиваться, преуспевать, следовать за чем-либо, приходить на смену кому-либо,
чему-либо, наследовать
2) facility [ ] – способность, ловкость, удобство, льгота, устройство, (pl.) – оборудование
3) fee [ ] – гонорар, плата, взнос
(Woman) When I graduated from high school, I never had a chance to go to college, but now I may be
able to. So, I've been trying to decide what college to apply to and thought you could help me.
(Man) I'd be glad to talk to you about it. There are many things to consider. When you think of going to
college, you need to be prepared to work hard. Studying takes up a lot of time, and students who are not mo-
tivated usually don't succeed.
(Woman) I can easily see how motivation can affect success in learning. Taking college classes may not be
very different from doing many other things. If you like what you do, you do a better job.
(Man) And when you are trying to figure out which college to attend, there are many questions one
should ask. Asking for information can help you discover many facts about the school, what courses it offers,
and what kinds of facilities it provides for students.
(Woman) Should I ask for a brochure? Maybe I need to write letters to several schools to find out about
their libraries, laboratories, computers, and other facilities.
(Man) That sounds like a good start. In addition, asking about their teaching methods and the average
class size may give you the information you need to decide.
(Woman) These are essential facts. So, if I'm going to write to them for information, what else do I need to
find out?
(Man) Okay, other key questions are about their tuition, fees, and assistance available for students. For
example, can the college help students get a job? Many colleges hire their students to work in offices, mail
rooms, food services, and dorms. Not only do students earn money, but also they acquire work experience
that they need to get jobs when they graduate.
Exercise 1 Answer the questions.
1 What is the main topic of this conversation?
2 What is important for success in college?
3 What does the man suggest to the woman?
4 How do students get job experience at college?
Exercise 2 Translate from Russian into English.
1 Добивается успеха тот, кто удачлив, терпелив, трудолюбив и целеустремлен.
2 Мы предпочитаем отдыхать в деревне, тем более что там есть все необходимые удобства.
3 Он умел зарабатывать деньги на всем, однако он никогда не распылялся ими бездумно.
4 Квартире срочно требовался ремонт, но так как мы все были очень заняты, мы решили нанять
5 Плата за работу оказалась невысокой, но из чувства благодарности мы решили ее увеличить.
6 Какие преимущества этой работы ты можешь выделить, и что тебе в ней не нравится.
7 Вдобавок ко всему выяснилось, что он отлично рисует портреты.
(Narrator) Questions below refer to a conversation about dogs.
First learn the words and word combinations by heart given below:
1) guard [ ] – охрана, караул, оборонительное положение, часовой, кондуктор (ж/д), гвардия,
предохранительное приспособление
2) cattle [ ] – рогатый скот
3) hound [ ] – гончая собака
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