Говори и наслаждайся (Speak and Enjoy). Колодина Н.И - 72 стр.


4) bloom [ ]цвет, цветение, рассвет
5) shrub [ ]кустарник
6) petal [ ]лепесток
7) bud [ ]почка, бутон
(Woman) There is little doubt that roses are one of the most preferred and best-loved flowers in almost
all climate zones. Most lose their leaves in the fall, but some can be evergreen in very mild climates. Centu-
ries of cultivation have created an amazing array of flowers of every form and color. The smallest are a foot
high, with flowers as small as a thumbnail. The largest bloom with flowers as big as a salad plate. Red, pink,
and white are the traditional colors, but orange, yellow, black, and purple also can be found in the gardens of
devoted growers.
Growing these shrubs is not complicated if their type and variety are suitable for the climate zone. Each year,
the American Rose Society publishes ratings of roses on the scale from one to ten, and the higher the rating,
the better the rose. The highest-rated roses grow in most climates, but those with low ratings do well only in
certain regions of the country. In areas with cool summers, roses with a great number of petals should be
avoided because they often fail to open. Also dark-colored roses don't do well because they do not develop
their full color. In hot-summer areas, roses can grow in any garden, but their flowers open soon after they
bud, and the color of their petals fades quickly. Roses bloom best during the spring and fall, and flower pro-
duction falls during intensely hot summers.
In areas with cold winters, some of the marketed roses are not hardy enough, and special protection is needed
to assure that they survive from winter to winter. To determine which roses are best suited for a particular
climate, a novice gardener may want to take a trip to a municipal garden or an established private rose garden.
Obviously, the varieties of shrubs found there will perform well in that climate zone.
Exercise 1 Answer the questions.
1 What is the main topic of this talk?
2 How does the American Rose Society rate roses?
3 What does the speaker say about growing roses in very hot climates?
4 What does a rose gardener need to do in climates with cold winters?
Exercise 2 Translate from Russian into English.
1 Самая прекрасная пора веснойвремя цветения.
2 Розыочень капризные (uncertain) цветы и садоводы-новички часто терпят неудачу при разве-
дении этих цветов.
3 Когда они купили дачу, отец занимался постройками, а мама разбивала цветник.
4 Когда розы начинают увядать, бабушка собирает лепестки и делает из них вино.
5 Для цветов важно подобрать климатическую зону, иначе бутоны могут не расцветать, а лепестки
не смогут набрать цвет.
6 В королевском парке меня поразили зеленые кустарники, имеющие форму животных.
7 Так как я очень люблю зелень, мне бы хотелось жить в стране, где много вечнозеленых деревьев,
кустарников и лужаек.
Text 1 Read, translate and retell.
Although a few protozoans are multicellular, the simplest are unicellular organisms, such as amoebas, bacte-
ria, sarcodina, ciliates, flagellates, and sporozoans, which can be amorphous in shape and smaller than .001
inch. Cytoplasm fills the cell membrane that en-Line closes it and functions as a barrier between cells. The
membrane serves as the outer tissue, and any compound that may destroy the cell has to penetrate it to reach
the cytoplasm.