Пища для ума - Food for thought. Коломейцева Е.М - 75 стр.


A p p e n d i x 3
1. Which of the following is not a citrus fruit?
A) lemon C) orange
B) apple D) grapefruit
2. If you cook something in oil, you _____ it.
A) boil C) fry
B) steam D) grill
3. What do we call a small amount of food you eat if you are hungry between meals?
A) a snack C) a TV dinner
B) a take –away D) convenience food
4. What is the name of the job of a professional in the restaurant kitchen?
A) cook C) shef
B) chef D) chief
5. I’m starving! I could eat a_____ .
A) cow C) house
B) pig D) horse
6. In British English we buy food to "take away", but in the USA they buy it to _____ .
A) to go C) to lift
B) to carry D) to eat out
7. Which of the following is not correct?
A) fast food C) food to go
B) junk food D) rubbish food
8. Which of the following is sweet (not savory)?
A) pizza C) a doughnut
B) a taco D) sushi
9. I know they are not very healthy, but I love sausages in a _____ .
A) hot cat C) hot dog
B) hot mouse D) hot horse
10. Another word for chips is _____ fries.
A) German C) English
B) Italian D) French
11. Which of the following is the odd-one-out?
A) ketchup C) soy sauce
B) mustard D) chopsticks
Food and Flavors
1. Which of the following would a vegetarian eat?
A) pork C) lamb
B) beef D) cabbage
2. Waiter in a restaurant: "How would you like your stake, sir?" Customer: "_____".
A) rare C) well-done
B) medium D) all of the above answers
3. I love eating cakes, biscuits and chocolate – the problem is they are so _____ .