Business Vocabulary Builder. (Деловой английский: лексика). Корухова Л.В - 97 стр.


recruitment 8
sick leave 11
temporary post vacancy 8
retrain staff 4
shortlist (candidates) 8
subcontract work 1
take a day/days off sick 11
Do you have to clock in when you arrive? 3
She doesn't like working to deadlines. 11
She is on a work placement with SFD. 3
There could be some staff cutbacks in the short term. 4
In our company, there is now more opportunity for promotion than before A
My application was unsuccessful. 11
The successful applicant will have a good track record in accounting.8
The job has no clear career structure. 13
Describing people
adaptable 8
adventurous 12
aggressive 12
ambitious 1
assertive 8
charismatic 8
competitive 8
confident 5
corrupt 11
decisive 12
dedicated 8
determined 8
dynamic 8
energetic 12
enthusiastic 8
flexible 8
forceful 8
honest 8
impulsive 12
informal 12
intuitive 13
law-abiding 11
loyal 1
motivated 12
motivating 12
outspoken 2
passionate 12
patient/impatient 8
persuasive 12
proud 8
reliable 8
self-confident 8
selfish 12
shy 8
trustworthy 11
Places and buildings
department store 1 headquarters 1 premises 14
factory 1 hotel lounge 2 warehouse 3