Doing Business in Russia. Котова К.П - 13 стр.



IV. Explain in English what the following means:
1) to depart in a body; 2) to do upgrade; 3) to do moonlighting; 4) to get a pro-
motion; 5) to have publications to ones credit.
Make up your own sentences with the following words and expressions:
1) shortage of jobs and unemployment; 2) to be reluctant to leave; 3) for a vari-
ety of reasons; 4) to leave for good.
VI. Find English equivalents for the following Russian collocations:
1) уехать навсегда ; 2) уехать всей семьей; 3) положение ухудшается; 4) по-
лучить работу ; 5) бегло говорить на иностранном языке .
VII. Open the brackets using the proper degree of comparison and insert the
definite article where necessary.
1) The team Spartak is (popular) in our country. 2) He receives only excellent
marks, he is (good) student in the group. 3) The days become (short) in Septem-
ber. 4) We must dress (warmly) in winter. 5) In June the weather becomes
(warm). 6) He speaks English (well) than I do. 7) Which story is (interesting) in
this book? 8) The (popular) indoor game in our country is chess. 9) It takes him
(little) time to get to the University than me. 10) You must come (early) before
the lessons begin.
Read the following numerals aloud:
100, 134, 230, 490, 559, 605, 1007, 1021, 2045, 2651, 4800, 6015, 69151,
IX. Put Who or Which where necessary:
1). People ……….go in for sports keep in good health. 2) The game ………took
place yesterday was very interesting and people ……….came to the match en-
joyed it. 3) I know some students of our Institute ……….who play chess well.
4) Everybody ………wants to play tennis must train regularly. 5) There is a
good sports-ground in the park ……….is not far from my house. 6) Some
friends of mine ……….are fond of swimming go to the swimming pool to

IV.   Explain in English what the following means:
1) to depart in a body; 2) to do upgrade; 3) to do moonlighting; 4) to get a pro-
motion; 5) to have publications to one’s credit.
V.    Make up your own sentences with the following words and expressions:
1) shortage of jobs and unemployment; 2) to be reluctant to leave; 3) for a vari-
ety of reasons; 4) to leave for good.
VI.   Find English equivalents for the following Russian collocations:
1) уехать навсегда; 2) уехать всей семьей; 3) положение ухудшается; 4) по-
лучить работу; 5) бегло говорить на иностранном языке.
VII. Open the brackets using the proper degree of comparison and insert the
      definite article where necessary.
1) The team “Spartak” is (popular) in our country. 2) He receives only excellent
marks, he is (good) student in the group. 3) The days become (short) in Septem-
ber. 4) We must dress (warmly) in winter. 5) In June the weather becomes
(warm). 6) He speaks English (well) than I do. 7) Which story is (interesting) in
this book? 8) The (popular) indoor game in our country is chess. 9) It takes him
(little) time to get to the University than me. 10) You must come (early) before
the lessons begin.
VIII. Read the following numerals aloud:
100, 134, 230, 490, 559, 605, 1007, 1021, 2045, 2651, 4800, 6015, 69151,
IX.   Put “Who” or “Which” where necessary:
1). People ……….go in for sports keep in good health. 2) The game ………took
place yesterday was very interesting and people ……….came to the match en-
joyed it. 3) I know some students of our Institute ……….who play chess well.
4) Everybody ………wants to play tennis must train regularly. 5) There is a
good sports-ground in the park ……….is not far from my house. 6) Some
friends of mine ……….are fond of swimming go to the swimming pool to