Doing Business in Russia. Котова К.П - 33 стр.



The present budget, which is being so painfully adopted, does not provide
for expenditure for the radical improvement of enterprises. How will your de-
partment resolve this problem?
Sometimes reorganization measures do not require direct financial sup-
port by the state. But at the same time there are enterprises which we are obliged
to help. When the threat of bankruptcy for an enterprise arises, the state will
seek the necessary funds. This is not provided for in the current budget, but we
have raised the question of adding two clauses: for the formation of a fund to
radical improvements and a fund for social support in the event of bankruptcy.
IV. Give synonyms to the following:
1) bankruptcy; 2) to pin ones hopes; 3) to run the enterprise; 4) insolvent; 5)
V. Answer the following questions:
1) Why does the government come to a decision to implement the law of bank-
ruptcy? 2) What are the differences in potential bankruptcies in various sectors
or regions? 3) What are the aspects in bankruptcy process from a financial point
of view? 4) Will there be large numbers of bankruptcy in Russia? 5) Why
doesnt the present budget provide for the expenditure for radical improvements
of enterprises? 6) The ownership rights are important for foreign investor and
Russian one, arent they?
VI. Translate the following sentences into Russian paying attention to the
meaning of the verb make :
1) The government made a decision to implement the law on bankruptcy. What
made them do it? 2) What makes the buyers take responsibility for unpaid
debts? 3) The formalization of ownership rights makes our country pin hopes
both for Russian and foreign investors. 4) The situation in defense industry
makes it produce non-military products. 5) The sale of an enterprise under spe-
cial conditions makes the state take possible measures to prevent bankruptcy.

      The present budget, which is being so painfully adopted, does not provide
for expenditure for the radical improvement of enterprises. How will your de-
partment resolve this problem?
      Sometimes reorganization measures do not require direct financial sup-
port by the state. But at the same time there are enterprises which we are obliged
to help. When the threat of bankruptcy for an enterprise arises, the state will
seek the necessary funds. This is not provided for in the current budget, but we
have raised the question of adding two clauses: for the formation of a fund to
radical improvements and a fund for social support in the event of bankruptcy.

IV.   Give synonyms to the following:
1) bankruptcy; 2) to pin one’s hopes; 3) to run the enterprise; 4) insolvent; 5)
V.    Answer the following questions:
1) Why does the government come to a decision to implement the law of bank-
ruptcy? 2) What are the differences in potential bankruptcies in various sectors
or regions? 3) What are the aspects in bankruptcy process from a financial point
of view? 4) Will there be large numbers of bankruptcy in Russia? 5) Why
doesn’t the present budget provide for the expenditure for radical improvements
of enterprises? 6) The ownership rights are important for foreign investor and
Russian one, aren’t they?
VI.   Translate the following sentences into Russian paying attention to the
      meaning of the verb “make”:
1) The government made a decision to implement the law on bankruptcy. What
made them do it? 2) What makes the buyers take responsibility for unpaid
debts? 3) The formalization of ownership rights makes our country pin hopes
both for Russian and foreign investors. 4) The situation in defense industry
makes it produce non-military products. 5) The sale of an enterprise under spe-
cial conditions makes the state take possible measures to prevent bankruptcy.