Doing Business in Russia. Котова К.П - 46 стр.



положением. 4) Почему она записала (put down) только твою фамилию ?
5) Отложи книгу (put aside) и займись (get down to) этим занятием. 6) По -
чему вы остановились (put up at) в гостинице , а не у нас? 7) Он вновь пере-
читал письмо и убрал (put away) его .
Write 100150 words on:
1) Why has bribery taking become a problem in almost every business field?
2) If you were a head of a company (firm) would you learn the art of giving a
bribe or stand by your principles?
Pre-reading tasks
I. Find out the meaning and transcribe the following words and collocations
with the help of a dictionary:
1) expediency; 2) to draw foreign investment; 3) all Russia opinion polls; 4) in-
volvement; 5) to establish cooperation; 6) to favor the investment; 7) full foreign
ownership; 8) to change substantially; 9) growing awareness of the integration
expediency of the world market; 10) to be acceptable; 11) to lose sight of; 12) to
be undecided due to the lack of experience and information; 13) to overcome the
crisis; 14) negative attitude; 15) Russia has become dependent on the West;
16) to object to something.
II. What will help Russian economy to flourish?
III. Read through the text.
Attitude Toward Foreign Capital in Economy
The answer to this question is supplied by researchers of the Sociological
and Socio-Psychological Center of the Russian Academy of Management
on the basis of a number of opinion polls conducted in all economic
and geographic zones in Russia
The main conclusion is that public opinion regarding foreign investment
in the Russian economy changed substantially, moving away from stereotypes

положением. 4) Почему она записала (put down) только твою фамилию?
5) Отложи книгу (put aside) и займись (get down to) этим занятием. 6) По-
чему вы остановились (put up at) в гостинице, а не у нас? 7) Он вновь пере-
читал письмо и убрал (put away) его.
IX.   Write 100–150 words on:
1) Why has bribery taking become a problem in almost every business field?
2) If you were a head of a company (firm) would you learn the art of giving a
bribe or stand by your principles?

                                       UNIT 10
Pre-reading tasks
I.    Find out the meaning and transcribe the following words and collocations
      with the help of a dictionary:
1) expediency; 2) to draw foreign investment; 3) all Russia opinion polls; 4) in-
volvement; 5) to establish cooperation; 6) to favor the investment; 7) full foreign
ownership; 8) to change substantially; 9) growing awareness of the integration
expediency of the world market; 10) to be acceptable; 11) to lose sight of; 12) to
be undecided due to the lack of experience and information; 13) to overcome the
crisis; 14) negative attitude; 15) Russia has become dependent on the West;
16) to object to something.
II.   What will help Russian economy to flourish?
III. Read through the text.
                Attitude Toward Foreign Capital in Economy
       The answer to this question is supplied by researchers of the Sociological
       and Socio-Psychological Center of the Russian Academy of Management
          on the basis of a number of opinion polls conducted in all economic
                            and geographic zones in Russia
      The main conclusion is that public opinion regarding foreign investment
in the Russian economy changed substantially, moving away from stereotypes