Geography. Козлова Е.П. - 6 стр.



1.9 Answer the following questions
What university do you study?
How many faculties and institutes are there in your university?
What faculty do you study at?
When was it founded?
Are you a second-year student?
What specialists does your faculty train?
What subjects is the academic curriculum composed of?
What does the course of study end with?
In what way can the graduates continue their study?
What is your future speciality?
What is geography and what does it deal with?
1.10 Text for written translation
Geography at St Andrews University (Britain) covers a wide range of subject
matter united by its focus on the spatial dimensions of human and physical
environments. In the geography course students «visit» many different parts of the
world and examine a whole range of natural and social features crucial to an
understanding of the landscape and the place. Geography is often a «synthetic
discipline» for it occupies a unique position bridging the Arts and the Sciences and
bringing together knowledge of the natural and human worlds. It thus provides a
rounded view of its subject matter and ensures that Geographers have a broader
insight than other specialists into some of the big problems of the world today.
Famines, floods and earthquakes make front-page headlines in the newspapers
and all take their toll in terms of human life and misery. Their causes and their effects
are both natural and human, often involving complex interaction between the two.
The same range of factors must be used when trying to understand the equally serious
problems of environment pollution, inequalities in economic development and well-
being, global warming and population growth. Geography provides the breadth of
knowledge necessary for an awareness of the complexity of these issues.
Geography students at St Andrews also learn a range of useful techniques during
their 4-year course. They learn how to interpret aerial and satellite photographs, how
to read, design and draw maps (including the creation of computer graphics), and
how to conduct and interpret a social survey.
1.11 Make up all possible types of questions to the text 1.10: a) general, b)
alternative, c) disjunctive, d) special, e) question to the subject
1.9 Answer the following questions

What university do you study?
How many faculties and institutes are there in your university?
What faculty do you study at?
When was it founded?
Are you a second-year student?
What specialists does your faculty train?
What subjects is the academic curriculum composed of?
What does the course of study end with?
In what way can the graduates continue their study?
What is your future speciality?
What is geography and what does it deal with?

1.10 Text for written translation

      Geography at St Andrews University (Britain) covers a wide range of subject
matter united by its focus on the spatial dimensions of human and physical
environments. In the geography course students «visit» many different parts of the
world and examine a whole range of natural and social features crucial to an
understanding of the landscape and the place. Geography is often a «synthetic
discipline» for it occupies a unique position bridging the Arts and the Sciences and
bringing together knowledge of the natural and human worlds. It thus provides a
rounded view of its subject matter and ensures that Geographers have a broader
insight than other specialists into some of the big problems of the world today.
      Famines, floods and earthquakes make front-page headlines in the newspapers
and all take their toll in terms of human life and misery. Their causes and their effects
are both natural and human, often involving complex interaction between the two.
The same range of factors must be used when trying to understand the equally serious
problems of environment pollution, inequalities in economic development and well-
being, global warming and population growth. Geography provides the breadth of
knowledge necessary for an awareness of the complexity of these issues.
Geography students at St Andrews also learn a range of useful techniques during
their 4-year course. They learn how to interpret aerial and satellite photographs, how
to read, design and draw maps (including the creation of computer graphics), and
how to conduct and interpret a social survey.

1.11 Make up all possible types of questions to the text 1.10: a) general, b)
alternative, c) disjunctive, d) special, e) question to the subject
