The cell. Кулагина Ж.Д. - 18 стр.



Ex. 11. Give a short summary of text A using the questions of ex. 8 as a
Ex. 12. Listen to text B and find in fig. 1 the structural elements of the cell
the announcer tells about.
Ex. 13. Using fig. 1 describe the structure of: a) an animal cell (the model
is given in text B) and b) a plant cell. Tell your fellow students what is the
difference between them. Add other facts or details besides those mentioned in
the text B.
1. This is a drawing of a typical animal cell. 2. The cell is filled with
cytoplasm and bounded by a cell membrane.3. There are many different bodies
in the cytoplasm, as you know. 4. Among them are plastides, vacuoles and
mitochondria. 5. Then comes the nucleus. 6. It is in the centre of the cell. 7. Here
you (can) see nucleoluses and karyoplasm. 8. The nucleus plays a very
important role in the life of the cell.
Ex. 14. Translate the following Russian sentences into English.
1. Биология - наука о живых организмах. 2. Как устроены эти живые суще-
ства? Как они функционируют? 3. Исследования биологов имеют большое
значение для развития многих отраслей науки. 3. Они помогают решить
многие проблемы современной науки. 4. Они помогают понять взаимо-
связь между всеми организмами и окружающей средой . 5. Определение
сущности жизни одна из основных задач общей биологии.
Unit IV
Step 1
Ex. 1. Translate the following words without consulting your dictionary.
system, regular, hormone, proportion, chromosome, result, nature, nerve,
coordination, limit, embryo, embryonic, embryonal, phase, metaphase,
prophase, telophase, anaphase, interphase, karyokinesis, interkinesis,
interkinetic, mitosis, mitotic, centriole, identical, final, intensive,
harmoniously, to migrate, to differentiate, to inhibit, to ionize
Ex.2. Practise the following for pronunciation:
intussusception [intə sə 'sepʃn] malignant [mə 'lignə nt]
equatorial [ekwə 'tɔriə l] metaphase ['metəƒeiz]
        Ex. 11. Give a short summary of text A using the questions of ex. 8 as a

      Ex. 12. Listen to text B and find in fig. 1 the structural elements of the cell
the announcer tells about.

       Ex. 13. Using fig. 1 describe the structure of: a) an animal cell (the model
is given in text B) and b) a plant cell. Tell your fellow students what is the
difference between them. Add other facts or details besides those mentioned in
the text B.

                                        TEXT B
      1. This is a drawing of a typical animal cell. 2. The cell is filled with
cytoplasm and bounded by a cell membrane.3. There are many different bodies
in the cytoplasm, as you know. 4. Among them are plastides, vacuoles and
mitochondria. 5. Then comes the nucleus. 6. It is in the centre of the cell. 7. Here
you (can) see nucleoluses and karyoplasm. 8. The nucleus plays a very
important role in the life of the cell.

        Ex. 14. Translate the following Russian sentences into English.
1. Биология - наука о живых организмах. 2. Как устроены эти живые суще-
ства? Как они функционируют? 3. Исследования биологов имеют большое
значение для развития многих отраслей науки. 3. Они помогают решить
многие проблемы современной науки. 4. Они помогают понять взаимо-
связь между всеми организмами и окружающей средой. 5. Определение
сущности жизни – одна из основных задач общей биологии.

                                     Unit IV
                                       Step 1
        Ex. 1. Translate the following words without consulting your dictionary.

system, regular, hormone, proportion, chromosome, result, nature, nerve,
coordination, limit, embryo, embryonic, embryonal, phase, metaphase,
prophase, telophase, anaphase, interphase, karyokinesis, interkinesis,
interkinetic, mitosis, mitotic, centriole, identical, final,      intensive,
harmoniously, to migrate, to differentiate, to inhibit, to ionize

        Ex.2. Practise the following for pronunciation:

    intussusception [intəsə'sepʃn]              malignant [mə'lignənt]
    equatorial [ekwə'tɔriəl]                    metaphase ['metəƒeiz ]