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116. Галиуллин Р.Г., Тимохина Л.А., Филипов С.Е. Резонансные ко- лебания в закрытой трубе со скачком температуры // Авиаци- онная техника. 2002. № 4. С. 33–36. (Изв. высш. учеб. заведений). 117. Yoon H.G., Peddieson J.J., Kenneth R.P. Mathematical modeling of a generalized Rijke tube // Engineering Science. 1998. Vol.36. P.1235–1254. 118. Lieuwen T., Zinn B.T. Application of multipole expansions to sound generation from ducted unsteady combustion process // Sound and Vibration. 2000. Vol. 235, N 3. P.405–414. 119. Bisio G., Rubato G. Sondhauss and Rijke oscillations – thermody- namic analysis, possible applications and analogies // Energy. 1999. Vol.24. P.117–131. 120. Lawn C.J. Interaction of the acoustic properties of a combustion chamber with those of premixture supply // Sound and Vibration. 1999. Vol. 224. N5. P. 785–808. 121. Fleifil M., Annaswamy A.M., Ghoneim Z.A. and Ghoniem A.F. Response of a laminar premixed flame to flow oscillations: a kinematic model and thermoacoustic instability results // Com- bustion and Flame. 1996. Vol.106. P.487–510. 122. Im H.G., Law C.K., Kim J.S., Williams F.A. Response of counterflow diffusion flames to oscillating strain rates // Com- bustion and Flame. 1995. Vol. 100. P. 21–30. 123. Boshoff–Mostert L., Viljeen H.J. Analysis of combustion–driven acoustics // Chemical Engineering Sciences. 1998. Vol. 53, N9. P. 1679–1687. 124. Artyukh L.Y., Itskova P.G., Lukyanov A.T. Mathematical model- ing of stabilitity of a nonadiabatic laminar premixed flame // Heat Mass Transfer, 1997. Vol. 40, N9. P.2235–2240. 125. Ржевкин C.H. Курс лекций по теории звука. М.: Изд-во Моск. ун-та, 1960. 336 с. 212
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