Основы теории английского языка. Листунова Е.И. - 122 стр.



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The Government of the United States is pleased to announce
the 2000 Edmund S. Muskie/Freedom Support Act (FSA) Graduate
Fellowship Program, which was established to encourage economic
and democratic growth in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Estonia,
Georgia, Kazakstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Rus-
sia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan.
The Muskie/FSA Graduate Fellowship Program places citizens
from the countries listed above in graduate level programs in business
administration, economics, education, environmental management,
international affairs, journalism and mass communications, law, li-
brary and information science, public administration, public health,
and public policy. Academic programs will begin in the summer or
early fall of 2000. Fellows will be placed at academic institutions
throughout the United States to take part in graduate programs that
are one year, eighteen months, or two years in length. Many pro-
grams lead to a master’s degree or certificate from a U.S. institution,
depending on the field of specialization, type of program, and the
needs of the candidate.
The Muskie/FSA Program is a program of the Bureau of Educa-
tional and Cultural Affairs of the United States Department of State,
and is administered in 2000 by the American Councils for Interna-
tional Education: ACTR/ACCELS and the Open Society institute
(OSI). Muskie/FSA fellows will be enrolled in U.S. academic institu-
tions according to their academic interests and professional goals.
Fellows may not select their U.S. host universities. Independent appli-
cations to U.S. universities neither disqualify applicants from consid-
eration for the Muskie/FSA Program, nor do they enable partici-
pants to select their host universities, if they are chosen for the
Muskie/FSA Program. During their term of study, Muskie/FSA fel-
lows must meet the academic standards and requirements of the Muskie/
FSA Program and their U.S. host universities. Fellows may have the
opportunity to participate in twelve-week summer internships for
practical training in their fields of specialization.
Under the terms of the grant and laws governing the J-1 visa
required for participation in the Muskie/FSA Program, Muskie/FSA
fellows must return to their home countries immediately upon com-
pletion of their fellowships for a period of at least two years. Fellows
      The Government of the United States is pleased to announce
the 2000 Edmund S. Muskie/Freedom Support Act (FSA) Graduate
Fellowshi p Program, which was established to encourage economic
and democratic growth in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Estonia,
Georgia, Kazakstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Rus-
sia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan.
      The Muskie/FSA Graduate Fellowshi p Program places citizens
from the countries listed above in graduate level programs in business
administration, economics, education, environmental management,
international affairs, journalism and mass communications, law, li-
brary and information science, public administration, public health,
and public policy. Academic programs will begin in the summer or
early fall of 2000. Fellows will be placed at academic institutions
throughout the United States to take part in graduate programs that
are one year, eighteen months, or two years in length. Many pro-
grams lead to a master’s degree or certificate from a U.S. institution,
depending on the field of specialization, type of program, and the
needs of the candidate.
      The Muskie/FSA Program is a program of the Bureau of Educa-
tional and Cultural Affairs of the United States Department of State,
and is administered in 2000 by the American Councils for Interna-
tional Education: ACTR/ACCELS and the Open Society institute
(OSI). Muskie/FSA fellows will be enrolled in U.S. academic institu-
tions according to their academic interests and professional goals.
Fellows may not select their U.S. host universities. Independent appli-
cations to U.S. universities neither disqualify applicants from consid-
eration for the Muskie/FSA Program, nor do they enable partici-
pants to select their host universities, if they are chosen for the
Muskie/FSA Program. During their term of study, Muskie/FSA fel-
lows must meet the academic standards and requirements of the Muskie/
FSA Program and their U.S. host universities. Fellows may have the
opportunity to partici pate in twelve-week summer internshi ps for
practical training in their fields of specialization.
      Under the terms of the grant and laws governing the J-1 visa
required for partici pation in the Muskie/FSA Program, Muskie/FSA
fellows must return to their home countries immediately upon com-
pletion of their fellowshi ps for aperiod of at least two years. Fellows

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