Основы теории английского языка. Листунова Е.И. - 133 стр.



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I think we made a good beginning. Mr. Gorbachev and I spent
many hours together, speaking frankly and seriously about the most
important issues of our time: reducing the massive nuclear arsenals
on both sides, resolving regional conflicts, ensuring respect for hu-
man rights as guaranteed under international agreements and other
questions of mutual interest. A safe and lasting peace also requires
finding peaceful settlements to armed conflicts, which cause so much
human suffering in many parts of the world. I have proposed several
concrete steps to help resolve such conflicts. It is my hope that in
1986 we will make progress toward this end. I see a busy year ahead in
building on the foundations laid in Geneva. There is much work to be
done, Mr. Gorbachev will visit the United States later this year, and
I look forward to showing him our country. In 1987 I plan to visit
your country, and hope to meet many of you. On behalf of the
American people, I wish you all a happy and healthy New Year. Let’s
work together to make it a year of peace. There is no better goal for
1986, or for any year. Let us look forward to a future of chistoye
nyebo, blue skies, for all mankind. Thank you.
Esteemed Mr. President,
Esteemed Mrs. Reagan,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Last summer it took one brave American by the name of Lynne
Cox just two hours to swim from one of our countries to the other. We
saw on television how sincerely friendly was the meeting between our
people and Americans when she stepped onto the Soviet shore. She
proved by her courage how closely to each other our peoples live.
It is, of course, true too that our systems are different and our
ways of life are, too. We hold different views on many issues. And this
will apparently continue to be so for a long time.
But without belittling great political and ideological distances,
we are going to look for, and to find, ways of drawing closer together,
where this is vital to us and to you, and to all humanity.
This is why we are here...
...«Although man is not eternal, what is humane is», wrote our
celebrated poet Afanasy Fet.
In the name of eternal humanity we accomplished today a very
significant act. And my first toast is to that.
It is dear to our peoples and that is why I congratulate the Soviet
and American peoples whose will is expressed in this agreement.
      I think we made a good beginning. Mr. Gorbachev and I spent
many hours together, speaking frankly and seriously about the most
important issues of our time: reducing the massive nuclear arsenals
on both sides, resolving regional conflicts, ensuring respect for hu-
man rights as guaranteed under international agreements and other
questions of mutual interest. A safe and lasting peace also requires
finding peaceful settlements to armed conflicts, which cause so much
human suffering in many parts of the world. I have proposed several
concrete steps to help resolve such conflicts. It is my hope that in
1986 we will make progress toward this end. I see a busy year ahead in
building on the foundations laid in Geneva. There is much work to be
done, Mr. Gorbachev will visit the United States later this year, and
I look forward to showing him our country. In 1987 I plan to visit
your country, and hope to meet many of you. On behalf of the
American people, I wish you all a happy and healthy New Year. Let’s
work together to make it a year of peace. There is no better goal for
1986, or for any year. Let us look forward to a future of chistoye
nyebo, blue skies, for all mankind. Thank you.
      Esteemed Mr. President,
      Esteemed Mrs. Reagan,
      Ladies and Gentlemen,
      Last summer it took one brave American by the name of Lynne
Cox just two hours to swim from one of our countries to the other. We
saw on television how sincerely friendly was the meeting between our
people and Americans when she stepped onto the Soviet shore. She
proved by her courage how closely to each other our peoples live.
      It is, of course, true too that our systems are different and our
ways of life are, too. We hold different views on many issues. And this
will apparently continue to be so for a long time.
      But without belittling great political and ideological distances,
we are going to look for, and to find, ways of drawing closer together,
where this is vital to us and to you, and to all humanity.
      This is why we are here...
      ...«Although man is not eternal, what is humane is», wrote our
celebrated poet Afanasy Fet.
      In the name of eternal humanity we accomplished today a very
significant act. And my first toast is to that.
      It is dear to our peoples and that is why I congratulate the Soviet
and American peoples whose will is expressed in this agreement.

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