to make made made
to meet met met
to pay paid paid
to put put put
to read read read
to ring rang rung
to rise rose risen
to run ran run
to say said said
to see saw seen
to sell sold sold
to send sent sent
to show showed showed/shown
to sing sang sung
to sit sat sat
to sleep sleep slept
to speak spoke spoken
to spend spent spent
to swim swam swum
to take took taken
to teach tought tought
to tell told told
to think thought thought
to win won won
to write wrote written
to make made made to meet met met to pay paid paid to put put put to read read read to ring rang rung to rise rose risen to run ran run to say said said to see saw seen to sell sold sold to send sent sent to show showed showed/shown to sing sang sung to sit sat sat to sleep sleep slept to speak spoke spoken to spend spent spent to swim swam swum to take took taken to teach tought tought to tell told told to think thought thought to win won won to write wrote written 26