Практикум по лексикологии английского языка. Часть 2. Фразеология. Маковецкая Н.А - 27 стр.



4. and tide wait for no man
5. There's no like the present
6. is blind
7. makes the world go round
Exercise 49. Decide if the imperative is affirmative or negative.
Make / Don't make hay while the sun shines.
Look / Don't look before you leap.
Put / Don't put all your eggs in one basket.
Practise / Don't practise what you preach.
Let / Don't let bygones be bygones.
Exercise 50. Work with a partner. Discuss the meaning of the following proverbs
and sayings and give their Russian equivalents.
1. Once bitten, twice - shy.
2. Appearances are deceptive.
3. Honesty is the best policy.
4. Variety is the spice of life.
5. There's many a slip between the cup and the lip.
6. Where there's a will, there's a way.
7. Like mother, like daughter.
How would you express the same ideas in your own language? Classify the
proverbs according to their meaning referring to the following spheres:
- various traits of character;
- human relations;
- working activities;
- a person's behaviour;
- surrounding nature;
- everyday life.
Do you agree that "Honesty is the best policy"? Why?
Exercise 51. In spoken language, people often refer to proverbs by only saying
half of them and leaving the rest for the listener to "fill in". Complete the proverbs
in these dialogues.
1) A: 'Joel's always criticizing people, who are selfish, yet he's terribly selfish
B: Yes, well, people who live in glass houses
C: Exactly.
2) A: The people in the office have been playing computer games all day since
the boss fell ill.
B: Well, you know what they say: when the cat's away

4. … and tide wait for no man
5. There's no … like the present
6. … is blind
7. … makes the world go round

Exercise 49. Decide if the imperative is affirmative or negative.

Make / Don't make hay while the sun shines.
Look / Don't look before you leap.
Put / Don't put all your eggs in one basket.
Practise / Don't practise what you preach.
Let / Don't let bygones be bygones.

Exercise 50. Work with a partner. Discuss the meaning of the following proverbs
and sayings and give their Russian equivalents.

1.   Once bitten, twice - shy.
2.   Appearances are deceptive.
3.   Honesty is the best policy.
4.   Variety is the spice of life.
5.   There's many a slip between the cup and the lip.
6.   Where there's a will, there's a way.
7.   Like mother, like daughter.

How would you express the same ideas in your own language? Classify the
proverbs according to their meaning referring to the following spheres:
- various traits of character;
- human relations;
- working activities;
- a person's behaviour;
- surrounding nature;
- everyday life.
Do you agree that "Honesty is the best policy"? Why?

Exercise 51. In spoken language, people often refer to proverbs by only saying
half of them and leaving the rest for the listener to "fill in". Complete the proverbs
in these dialogues.

1) A: 'Joel's always criticizing people, who are selfish, yet he's terribly selfish
   B: Yes, well, people who live in glass houses…
   C: Exactly.
2) A: The people in the office have been playing computer games all day since
   the boss fell ill.
   B: Well, you know what they say: when the cat's away…