English writers. Мартемьянова Н.В. - 2 стр.



( 1667 - 1745 )
Vocabulary notes
behind - the - scenes -закулисный
to amount to so little - так мало значить
to take up smth - браться за что-либо
‘The Drapier’s Letters’ - “Письма суконщика
‘A Modest Proposal’ - “Скромное предложение
make-believe - выдумка
‘A Tale of Tub’ - “Сказка о бочке
on the surface - на первый взгляд
to wage war - вести войну
false pride - ложная гордость
Pre - reading Task
Before reading the text, skim the following paragraphs and answer the questions
Paragraph 1
Why is Swift called a great satirist?
Paragraph 3
What kind of relationships were between Jonathan Swift and Stella?
Paragraph 6
What did the Queen Anne make Swift?
Paragraph 8
What can you say about Gulliver’s Travels?
What does it describe?
Paragraphs 14-15
What are the other Swift’s works?
Paragraph 18
What did Swift value?
Swift, Jonathan (1667-1745), an English author, wrote Gulliver’s Travels (1726), a
masterpiece of comic literature. Swift is called a great satirist because of his ability to
ridicule customs, ideas, and actions he considered silly or harmful. His satire is often
bitter,but it is also delightfully concerned about the welfare of the Irish and the
behavior of the English toward Ireland.Swift was a Protestant churchman who became
a hero in Roman Catholic Ireland.

                                JONATHAN SWIFT
                                  ( 1667 - 1745 )
Vocabulary notes
behind - the - scenes -закулисный
to amount to so little - так мало значить
to take up smth - браться за что-либо
‘The Drapier’s Letters’ - “Письма суконщика”
‘A Modest Proposal’ - “Скромное предложение”
make-believe - выдумка
‘A Tale of Tub’ - “Сказка о бочке”
on the surface - на первый взгляд
to wage war - вести войну
false pride - ложная гордость

Pre - reading Task
Before reading the text, skim the following paragraphs and answer the questions
Paragraph 1
Why is Swift called a great satirist?
Paragraph 3
What kind of relationships were between Jonathan Swift and Stella?
Paragraph 6
What did the Queen Anne make Swift?
Paragraph 8
What can you say about Gulliver’s Travels?
What does it describe?
Paragraphs 14-15
What are the other Swift’s works?
Paragraph 18
What did Swift value?

    Swift, Jonathan (1667-1745), an English author, wrote Gulliver’s Travels (1726), a
masterpiece of comic literature. Swift is called a great satirist because of his ability to
ridicule customs, ideas, and actions he considered silly or harmful. His satire is often
bitter,but it is also delightfully concerned about the welfare of the Irish and the
behavior of the English toward Ireland.Swift was a Protestant churchman who became
a hero in Roman Catholic Ireland.