English writers. Мартемьянова Н.В. - 26 стр.



of aestheticism, which insisted that art should be primarily politics, religion, science,
bourgeois morality.
Oscar Wilde (Fingal O’Flahertie Wills) was born in Dublin on October 16,1854 to
parents who were prominent in Ireland’s social life.His father(William Ralph Wills)
was a leading ear and eye surgeon who had founded a hospital a year before Wilde’s
birth and who had received the appointment of Surgeon Oculist in Ordinary to the
Queen, and honorary position especially created for him in recognition of his
international reputation.Wilde’s mother (Francesca Elgee Wilde), nine years younger
than her husband, was known in literary and political circles as “Speranza”, a name she
adopted in the 1840s to give hope to Irish nationalists and activists in the woman’s
rights movement.
Wilde received an education appropriate to his station in life.When he was ten, he
was sent to Portora Royal School(founded by King Charles II) in Enniskillen, Ulster.In
October 1971, he entered Trinity College in Dublin, where he distinguished himself by
winning various prizes and medals, particularly for his learning in the classics.In June
1874, he won a scholarship, the classical Demyship, to Magdalen College, Oxford
University, after completing his third year at Trinity College.At Oxford, Wilde
developed the manner of poseur and was widely recognised by his fellow students as a
brilliant talker.
On May 29, 1884 he married Constance Lloyd.She came from a respectable family
in Ireland.They had two children - Cyril and Vyvyann.Probably, his happy life inspired
him to write stories for children.The Happy Prince and Other Tales was published in
1888, A House of Pomegranates - in 1891-1892.
In October 1900, following his trip to Rome, Wilde was ill with an ear infection
that developed into encephalitis.On October 10, he underwent an operation.Thus, he
died on 10 November at the age of forty-six.His tomb, sculptured by Sir Jacob Epstein,
is in Père-Lachaise Cemetery,Paris.
Vocabulary and Grammar Tasks
1 Find in the text the English for:
драматург, подход, оратор, учение, утверждать, известный, назначение,
почетный, общественное положение, выдающийся, получить стипендию,
вдохновить, позер, уважаемый, вдохновить, перенести операцию.
2 Change the following nouns into adjectives
3 Complete the following adjectives by adding the corect prefix(un-, in-, or im-
) and put them in the appropriate column below.
of aestheticism, which insisted that art should be primarily politics, religion, science,
bourgeois morality.
    Oscar Wilde (Fingal O’Flahertie Wills) was born in Dublin on October 16,1854 to
parents who were prominent in Ireland’s social life.His father(William Ralph Wills)
was a leading ear and eye surgeon who had founded a hospital a year before Wilde’s
birth and who had received the appointment of Surgeon Oculist in Ordinary to the
Queen, and honorary position especially created for him in recognition of his
international reputation.Wilde’s mother (Francesca Elgee Wilde), nine years younger
than her husband, was known in literary and political circles as “Speranza”, a name she
adopted in the 1840s to give hope to Irish nationalists and activists in the woman’s
rights movement.
     Wilde received an education appropriate to his station in life.When he was ten, he
was sent to Portora Royal School(founded by King Charles II) in Enniskillen, Ulster.In
October 1971, he entered Trinity College in Dublin, where he distinguished himself by
winning various prizes and medals, particularly for his learning in the classics.In June
1874, he won a scholarship, the classical Demyship, to Magdalen College, Oxford
University, after completing his third year at Trinity College.At Oxford, Wilde
developed the manner of poseur and was widely recognised by his fellow students as a
brilliant talker.
    On May 29, 1884 he married Constance Lloyd.She came from a respectable family
in Ireland.They had two children - Cyril and Vyvyann.Probably, his happy life inspired
him to write stories for children.The Happy Prince and Other Tales was published in
1888, A House of Pomegranates - in 1891-1892.
    In October 1900, following his trip to Rome, Wilde was ill with an ear infection
that developed into encephalitis.On October 10, he underwent an operation.Thus, he
died on 10 November at the age of forty-six.His tomb, sculptured by Sir Jacob Epstein,
is in Père-Lachaise Cemetery,Paris.

Vocabulary and Grammar Tasks
1      Find in the text the English for:
драматург, подход, оратор, учение, утверждать, известный, назначение,
почетный, общественное положение, выдающийся, получить стипендию,
вдохновить, позер, уважаемый, вдохновить, перенести операцию.
2      Change the following nouns into adjectives
poetry                                       education
approach                                     classics
religion                                     manner
literature                                   respect
politics                                     infection

3    Complete the following adjectives by adding the corect prefix(un-, in-, or im-
) and put them in the appropriate column below.
___happy                                   ___patient
___clear                                   ___grateful