Иностранный язык. Методическое пособие. Мартемьянова Н.В - 10 стр.


19. Fill in the gaps using there is / there are in positive, negative or question
1. VSU is a one of the biggest universities in Russia. 18 faculties and 118
Departments there.
2. a pre- University training in VSU.
3. Look! my photo on the wall.
4. 5 people in my family: my father, me mother and me.
5. How many students in your class?
6. We cant go skiing. no skis.
7. any letters for me today?
8. Unfortunately classes with profound study of English in our school.
9. 50 states in the USA.
10. a photo on the table?
20. Translate into English using there is/ there are and prepositions of place
(on, in, near, in front of, under, behind, above, opposite, between, below).
1. Книга лежит на столе. 2. Сегодня вечером будет хороший фильм по
телевизору. 3. На столе есть ваза с цветами? 4. Под вазой лежит журнал. 5.
Камин находится за диваном. 6. Между стульями не лежит мяч. 7. В столе
много карандашей . 8. Перед камином сидит женщина. 9. Что под столом? 10.
Супермаркет находится напротив кинотеатра. 11. Картины висят над столом.
12. Полки находятся под зеркалом. 13 В здании нашего университета 3 этажа.
21. Put in at, on or in where necessary.
1. What are you doing the weekend?
2. Ill see you next Friday?
3. Mozart was born 1756.
4. Ill see you Monday.
5. The price will be reduced October.
6. Ive been invited to a birthday 14 February.
7. The train will be leaving 5 minutes.
8. They got married last March.
9. There are a lot of parties New Years Eve.
10. I hope the weather will be nice the weekend.
11. Monday I went to bed 10 oclock.
12. I like traveling night.
13. What are you doing the morning?
14. I might not be at home Tuesday morning but Ill probably be there the
15. We arrived the same time.
16. Do you give each other presents Christmas?

19. Fill in the gaps using there is / there are in positive, negative or question
1. VSU is a one of the biggest universities in Russia. … 18 faculties and 118
Departments there.
2. … a pre- University training in VSU.
3. Look! … my photo on the wall.
4. … 5 people in my family: my father, me mother and me.
5. How many students … in your class?
6. We can’t go skiing. … no skis.
7. … any letters for me today?
8. Unfortunately … classes with profound study of English in our school.
9. … 50 states in the USA.
10. … a photo on the table?

20. Translate into English using there is/ there are and prepositions of place
(on, in, near, in front of, under, behind, above, opposite, between, below).
1. Книга лежит на столе. 2. Сегодня вечером будет хороший фильм по
телевизору. 3. На столе есть ваза с цветами? 4. Под вазой лежит журнал. 5.
Камин находится за диваном. 6. Между стульями не лежит мяч. 7. В столе
много карандашей. 8. Перед камином сидит женщина. 9. Что под столом? 10.
Супермаркет находится напротив кинотеатра. 11. Картины висят над столом.
12. Полки находятся под зеркалом. 13 В здании нашего университета 3 этажа.

21. Put in at, on or in where necessary.
1. What are you doing … the weekend?
2. I’ll see you … next Friday?
3. Mozart was born … 1756.
4. I’ll see you … Monday.
5. The price will be reduced … October.
6. I’ve been invited to a birthday … 14 February.
7. The train will be leaving … 5 minutes.
8. They got married … last March.
9. There are a lot of parties … New Year’s Eve.
10. I hope the weather will be nice … the weekend.
11. … Monday I went to bed … 10 o’clock.
12. I like traveling … night.
13. What are you doing … the morning?
14. I might not be at home … Tuesday morning but I’ll probably be there … the
15. We arrived … the same time.
16. Do you give each other presents … Christmas?