Иностранный язык. Методическое пособие. Мартемьянова Н.В - 6 стр.


5. Translate from Russian into English.
1. Как тебя зовут? 2. Сколько тебе лет? 3. Я живу в Воронеже. 4. Они не
студенты . 5. Он женат? 6. Мой муж - учитель в школе. 7. Сейчас темно? 8.
Она не итальянка. Она русская. 9. Магазины сегодня открыты ? 10. Моя
школа не далеко от дома. 11. Какого цвета твои глаза ? 12. Кто твой любимый
актер ? 13. Какой твой любимый предмет в школе?
6. Fill in the gaps with have got (ve got), has got (s got), havent got или hasnt
1. They like animals. They three cats.
2. John a car. He goes everywhere on foot.
3. Everybody likes Sarah. She a lot of friends.
4. An insect six legs.
5. They two children.
6. Quick! Hurry! We much time.
7. Whats wrong? I something in my eye.
8. She doesnt like reading. She a lot of books.
9. Its a nice town. It a lot of shops.
10. Julia wants to go on holiday but she much money.
11. I am not going to work today. I a bad cold.
7. Fill in was/wasnt/were/ werent.
1. Today the weather is nice but yesterday it cold.
2. We tired when we arrived home so we went to bed.
3. In 2003 I in Paris.
4. Charlie Chaplin died in 1978. He a famous film star.
5. Last year he 23, so now he is 24.
6. The hotel very comfortable but it very expensive.
7. the weather nice when you on holiday?
8. Why they angry yesterday?
9. “… they at the party? No, they …”
10. Where the children? I dont now. They in the room ten minutes ago
11. I called you the day before yesterday but you at home. Where you?
12. George at the party last week because he ill.
8. Write questions to the following answers.
1. How ? He is 23
2. ? No, he is single
3. How many ? One brother and one sister
4. What ? 24, King Street, London
5. Where ? Last night I was at home
6. Where ? Im from Russia
7. “… ? No Im not hungry. I am thirsty
5. Translate from Russian into English.
1. Как тебя зовут? 2. Сколько тебе лет? 3. Я живу в Воронеже. 4. Они не
студенты. 5. Он женат? 6. Мой муж- учитель в школе. 7. Сейчас темно? 8.
Она не итальянка. Она русская. 9. Магазины сегодня открыты? 10. Моя
школа не далеко от дома. 11. Какого цвета твои глаза? 12. Кто твой любимый
актер? 13. Какой твой любимый предмет в школе?

6. Fill in the gaps with have got (‘ve got), has got (‘s got), haven’t got или hasn’t
1. They like animals. They … three cats.
2. John … a car. He goes everywhere on foot.
3. Everybody likes Sarah. She … a lot of friends.
4. An insect … six legs.
5. They … two children.
6. Quick! Hurry! We … much time.
7. “What’s wrong?” “I … something in my eye.”
8. She doesn’t like reading. She … a lot of books.
9. It’s a nice town. It … a lot of shops.
10. Julia wants to go on holiday but she … much money.
11. I am not going to work today. I …a bad cold.

7. Fill in was/wasn’t/were/ weren’t.
1. Today the weather is nice but yesterday it … cold.
2. We … tired when we arrived home so we went to bed.
3. In 2003 I … in Paris.
4. Charlie Chaplin died in 1978. He … a famous film star.
5. Last year he … 23, so now he is 24.
6. The hotel … very comfortable but it … very expensive.
7. … the weather nice when you … on holiday?
8. Why … they angry yesterday?
9. “… they at the party?” “No, they …”
10. “Where … the children?” “I don’t now. They … in the room ten minutes ago”
11. I called you the day before yesterday but you … at home. Where … you?”
12. George … at the party last week because he … ill.

8. Write questions to the following answers.
1. “How … ?” “ He is 23”
2. ” … ?” “No, he is single”
3. “How many … ?” “One brother and one sister”
4. “What … ?” “24, King Street, London”
5. “Where … ?” “Last night I was at home”
6. “Where … ?” “ I’m from Russia”
7. “… ?” “No I’m not hungry. I am thirsty”