Иностранный язык. Мартемьянова Н.В - 5 стр.


4. Translate the following sentences. Pay attention to the constructions It
is (was) ... that... , It is(was) ... who ... , \What... is ....
1) It was they who told us the news.
2) It was not until I reminded him that he brought me my book.
3) It is the northeast in the United States, which is called New England.
4) There was the natural abundance of land that energized the industrial and
economic growth.
5) That was Roosevelt who increased government supervision over business
and industry.
6) It was Mayor of Detroit who initiated work relief for the unemployed.
7) It was Theodore Roosevelt who changed the Spanish conflict from a war to
liberate Cuba to the building of a union.
Find in the text the sentence(s) with the same construction(s). Translate it
(them) into Russian.
5. Rewrite the following sentences using It is(was) ... Ihat(who) ....
1) Emperor Claudius launched the invasion of Britain.
2) A land and mineral wealth was a major asset to the Empire.
3) Annexing new lands helped Claudius to secure his position in Rome.
4) Aulus Plautius led the invasion.
5) II Augusta moved Sou6th West.
6) Vespasian became Emperor.
7) The Romans occupied the South East of Britain.
Discussion Task
Prove that there were some invasions of Britain. Can you explain the
Why do you think it was important for the Romans to conquer Britain?
Explain your point of view to the class.
Vocabulary notes
рereditary(adj.) - наследный
warlord(n) - военачальник
warrior(n) - воин
peasantry - крестьянство
warfare(n) - приемы ведения
boundary(n) - граница
alliance(n) - союз, союзник
adornment(n) - украшение
ferocious(adj.) - жестокий
spear(n) - копье
shield(n) - щит
chariot(n) - колесница
terrain(n) - территория, местность

4. Translate the following sentences. Pay attention to the constructions It
is (was) ... that... , It is(was) ... who ... , \What... is ....
1) It was they who told us the news.
2) It was not until I reminded him that he brought me my book.
3) It is the northeast in the United States, which is called New England.
4) There was the natural abundance of land that energized the industrial and
economic growth.
5) That was Roosevelt who increased government supervision over business
and industry.
6) It was Mayor of Detroit who initiated work relief for the unemployed.
7) It was Theodore Roosevelt who changed the Spanish conflict from a war to
    liberate Cuba to the building of a union.

Find in the text the sentence(s) with the same construction(s). Translate it
(them) into Russian.
5. Rewrite the following sentences using It is(was) ... Ihat(who) ....
1) Emperor Claudius launched the invasion of Britain.
2) A land and mineral wealth was a major asset to the Empire.
3) Annexing new lands helped Claudius to secure his position in Rome.
4) Aulus Plautius led the invasion.
5) II Augusta moved Sou6th West.
6) Vespasian became Emperor.
7) The Romans occupied the South East of Britain.

Discussion Task
Prove that there were some invasions of Britain. Can you explain the
Why do you think it was important for the Romans to conquer Britain?
Explain your point of view to the class.

                                THE CELTS
Vocabulary notes
рereditary(adj.) - наследный               boundary(n) - граница
warlord(n) - военачальник                 alliance(n) - союз, союзник
warrior(n) - воин                         adornment(n) - украшение
peasantry - крестьянство                  ferocious(adj.) - жестокий
warfare(n) - приемы ведения               spear(n) - копье
войны                                     shield(n) - щит
chariot(n) - колесница
terrain(n) - территория, местность