Complex Subject
I Translate from English into Russian.
1. This river is believed to be suitable for navigation.
2. The river Thames is known to divide the city into two parts.
3. Many famous generals and admirals are said to have been buried inside the
4. This ancient Cathedral is considered to have been designed by an outstanding
English architect.
5. This monument is considered to have been erected as early as 11
II Substitute relative clauses with the Complex Subject.
Example: It is said that he knows the subject well.
He is said to know the subject well.
1. The ship is believed to be suitable for navigation.
2. It is supposed that the students have already submitted their term papers.
3. It was said that the performance had been a success.
4. It is supposed that the coming conference is of great importance for our work
III Translate from Russian into English using Complex Subject.
1. Говорят, что он хороший врач .
2. Кажется, его доклад состоял из трех частей.
3. Время встреч, по-видимому будет изменено.
4. Вы обязательно должны посетить эту конференцию .
The tragedy of American diplomacy is aptly symbolized by the relations between the
USA and Cuba from April 1898 through April 1961. The eruption of two wars
involving the same two countries is often associated with tragedy.
After three years of pressure culminating in an ultimatum, the USA declared war
against Spain. The generally avowed objectives were to free Cuba from Spanish
tyranny, to establish and underwrite the independence of the island, and to initiate
and sustain its development toward political democracy and economic welfare.
During the subsequent 63 years, the USA exercised continuous, extensive influence
in and over all aspects of Cuban affairs. This ongoing intervention produced some
positive results and Cuba enjoyed slow and sporadic economic development. A
modest number of Cubans improved their personal and group economic welfare.
Furthermore, some of the forms and mechanism of representative government were
established and legalized, and some of the resulting institutions put out shallow roots
into Cuban thoughts and culture. Reform was instituted that helped stabilize Cuban
politics and contributed to the elementary and routine kind of law and order
necessary for moderately efficient economic activity. The Cubans were encouraged
to define their future in terms of the kind of democracy and prosperity provided in
the USA.
12 Complex Subject I Translate from English into Russian. 1. This river is believed to be suitable for navigation. 2. The river Thames is known to divide the city into two parts. 3. Many famous generals and admirals are said to have been buried inside the Cathedral. 4. This ancient Cathedral is considered to have been designed by an outstanding English architect. 5. This monument is considered to have been erected as early as 11 th century. II Substitute relative clauses with the Complex Subject. Example: It is said that he knows the subject well. He is said to know the subject well. 1. The ship is believed to be suitable for navigation. 2. It is supposed that the students have already submitted their term papers. 3. It was said that the performance had been a success. 4. It is supposed that the coming conference is of great importance for our work III Translate from Russian into English using Complex Subject. 1. Говорят, что он хороший врач. 2. Кажется, его доклад состоял из трех частей. 3. Время встреч, по-видимому будет изменено. 4. Вы обязательно должны посетить эту конференцию. TEXT III TRANSCEDENCE OF THE TRAGIC. The tragedy of American diplomacy is aptly symbolized by the relations between the USA and Cuba from April 1898 through April 1961. The eruption of two wars involving the same two countries is often associated with tragedy. After three years of pressure culminating in an ultimatum, the USA declared war against Spain. The generally avowed objectives were to free Cuba from Spanish tyranny, to establish and underwrite the independence of the island, and to initiate and sustain its development toward political democracy and economic welfare. During the subsequent 63 years, the USA exercised continuous, extensive influence in and over all aspects of Cuban affairs. This ongoing intervention produced some positive results and Cuba enjoyed slow and sporadic economic development. A modest number of Cubans improved their personal and group economic welfare. Furthermore, some of the forms and mechanism of representative government were established and legalized, and some of the resulting institutions put out shallow roots into Cuban thoughts and culture. Reform was instituted that helped stabilize Cuban politics and contributed to the elementary and routine kind of law and order necessary for moderately efficient economic activity. The Cubans were encouraged to define their future in terms of the kind of democracy and prosperity provided in the USA.
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