Roman Britain. Мартемьянова Н.В. - 29 стр.



sides by rangers of rooms; a private bath suite occupied the area adjacent to the
south east corner.
Other buildings within the town included several Roman-Celtic temples,
private houses of courtyard and corridor type, and a number of shops and
workshops, which produced a wide range of commodities. Just outside the
northeast corner of the walled area is an amphitheatre measuring about 250x220
feet overall.
Vocabulary and Grammar Tasks
1. Find in the text the English for:
гавань, первоначальный, в результате, дисциплинированный, угол, вывод
войск, выжить, неповрежденный, защищенный, место для судьи , слой ,
примыкающий, мастерская.
2. Draw four columns like this:
Nouns Verbs Adjectives Adverbs
Into the first column put all the nouns in the text; into the second one al the
verbs; into the third one all the adjectives; and into the fourth one all the
3. Make adverbs from the following adjectives:
quick, slow, sorrowful, bright, quiet, clever, sudden, bad, good, hard, fast.
4. Put adverbs into the blank spaces in the following sentences:
1) The boy wrote ___.
2) You are working too _____.
3) I will do the work _____.
4) Open the door _____.

sides by rangers of rooms; a private bath suite occupied the area adjacent to the
south east corner.
   Other buildings within the town included several Roman-Celtic temples,
private houses of courtyard and corridor type, and a number of shops and
workshops, which produced a wide range of commodities. Just outside the
northeast corner of the walled area is an amphitheatre measuring about 250x220
feet overall.

Vocabulary and Grammar Tasks
1. Find in the text the English for:
гавань, первоначальный, в результате, дисциплинированный, угол, вывод
войск, выжить, неповрежденный, защищенный, место для судьи, слой,
примыкающий, мастерская.

2. Draw four columns like this:

      Nouns                 Verbs              Adjectives             Adverbs

Into the first column put all the nouns in the text; into the second one – al the
verbs; into the third one – all the adjectives; and into the fourth one – all the
3. Make adverbs from the following adjectives:
quick, slow, sorrowful, bright, quiet, clever, sudden, bad, good, hard, fast.
4. Put adverbs into the blank spaces in the following sentences:
1) The boy wrote ___.
2) You are working too _____.
3) I will do the work _____.
4) Open the door _____.