Environment Protection. Машутина Е.А. - 27 стр.



Words to remember
1 perspective перспектива; перспективный
2 to encourage одобрять; поощрять
3 grant дар; дотация; дозволять
4 scheme проект; схема
5 facilities средства; удобства
6 application приложение; заявление; просьба;
12.2 Land Use Planning
Britain controls new building through its extensive land use planning system.
What this means is that most new development - any new building work and also
many changes of use, such as changing a house into an office - require planning
permission. Some applications even need a special environmental assessment before
work can begin. At all times, it is recognised that while development is needed to
sustain the rural economy, it must always be balanced with protection of the
countryside. Green belts are a vital part of Britain's land use planning system.
Normally found around cities, they restrict the sprawl of large built - up areas
and help to protect the surrounding countryside. The government sees Green Belts as
very important to Britain and expects local planning authorities to take a similar view
when considering for planning permission. Green Belts are carefully protected under
the planning system. Both the government and local planning authorities want these
areas to be left open and free from inappropriate development. There is a total of 1.5
million hectares of Green Belts in England and 160,000 hectares in Scotland.
Footpath work by local authorities, such as signposting, helps people gain access to
the countryside. Particularly popular with walkers are long - distance paths. There are
10 approved "national trails" open in England and Wales, covering over 2 900 km, as
well as 3 approved long - distance routes in Scotland, covering some 580 km.
Words to remember
1 assessment обложение
2 sprawl протяжение
3 hectar гектар
4 signpost указательный столб
12.3 Protectors Target "Mickey Mouse" Zoo
Animal rights protesters are planning to demonstrate at the opening of Disney's
$ 800 million Animal World theme park. They say zoos are a concept whose time has
passed. They are protecting against the deaths of 12 animals in incidents before the
park's opening. The deaths include 2 rhinos. One was an endangered black rhino
which swallowed a 45-cm stick and suffered a fatal infection. Only around 2,500
      Words to remember
1 perspective                             перспектива; перспективный
2 to encourage                            одобрять; поощрять
3 grant                                   дар; дотация; дозволять
4 scheme                                  проект; схема
5 facilities                              средства; удобства
6 application                             приложение; заявление; просьба;

     12.2 Land Use Planning

     Britain controls new building through its extensive land use planning system.
What this means is that most new development - any new building work and also
many changes of use, such as changing a house into an office - require planning
permission. Some applications even need a special environmental assessment before
work can begin. At all times, it is recognised that while development is needed to
sustain the rural economy, it must always be balanced with protection of the
countryside. Green belts are a vital part of Britain's land use planning system.
     Normally found around cities, they restrict the sprawl of large built - up areas
and help to protect the surrounding countryside. The government sees Green Belts as
very important to Britain and expects local planning authorities to take a similar view
when considering for planning permission. Green Belts are carefully protected under
the planning system. Both the government and local planning authorities want these
areas to be left open and free from inappropriate development. There is a total of 1.5
million hectares of Green Belts in England and 160,000 hectares in Scotland.
Footpath work by local authorities, such as signposting, helps people gain access to
the countryside. Particularly popular with walkers are long - distance paths. There are
10 approved "national trails" open in England and Wales, covering over 2 900 km, as
well as 3 approved long - distance routes in Scotland, covering some 580 km.
     Words to remember
1 assessment                                 обложение
2 sprawl                                     протяжение
3 hectar                                     гектар
4 signpost                                   указательный столб

     12.3 Protectors Target "Mickey Mouse" Zoo

     Animal rights protesters are planning to demonstrate at the opening of Disney's
$ 800 million Animal World theme park. They say zoos are a concept whose time has
passed. They are protecting against the deaths of 12 animals in incidents before the
park's opening. The deaths include 2 rhinos. One was an endangered black rhino
which swallowed a 45-cm stick and suffered a fatal infection. Only around 2,500