Environment Protection. Машутина Е.А. - 30 стр.



sessions, a programme of field work, laboratory work and seminars.
The Environmental Studies graduate will therefore be a person with a holistic
view of what is required to make a full evaluation of all aspects of the environment.
12.7 Environmental Management
Environmental Management is a vocational field appropriate for students with
backgrounds and interest in science, geography, economics or government and
This three-year degree programme comprises an interdisciplinary approach to
study. Course modules are presented by specialists in biology, environmental science,
geography, law and applied social studies.
The foundation level covers the basic technical and policy issues of
environmental and resource management. At Level 2, students learn methods of
assessing environmental impact and of analysing environmental management policies
and systems. At the final level, case studies and projects are used to examine in detail
examples of planning, monitoring and evaluation measures implemented in the
Context of European and British legislation.
The role and interaction of all participants in the environmental management
process are considered demonstration how organisations implement environmental
management systems or how the planning system operates to ensure wider public
Project work for this programme has been sponsored by major organisations.
Presently a student is supported with project to develop a nature trail for local
Students can expect to work with a variety of organisations on practical
environmental issues.
1 implement инструмент; принадлежность;
2 to trail выслеживать; волочить; след
12.8 Ecology and Biodiversity
Ecology and Biodiversity is about organisms in their environment. It is a
broadly based degree allowing flexibility in subject choice in addition to a series of
carefully chosen core modules. You will study the diversity of animals and plants,
their form and function, how organisms are adapted to their environment, population
dynamics, competition, behaviour, animal/plant interactions and living communities.
You will see how the application of modern ideas in evolution and physiology help
unravel the mysteries of animal and plant evolution, form and function. Tropical
Ecology features prominently in our courses through our overseas research and
constancy work. A grounding in Ecology will provide you with the insight to some of
sessions, a programme of field work, laboratory work and seminars.
     The Environmental Studies graduate will therefore be a person with a holistic
view of what is required to make a full evaluation of all aspects of the environment.

     12.7 Environmental Management

      Environmental Management is a vocational field appropriate for students with
backgrounds and interest in science, geography, economics or government and
      This three-year degree programme comprises an interdisciplinary approach to
study. Course modules are presented by specialists in biology, environmental science,
geography, law and applied social studies.
      The foundation level covers the basic technical and policy issues of
environmental and resource management. At Level 2, students learn methods of
assessing environmental impact and of analysing environmental management policies
and systems. At the final level, case studies and projects are used to examine in detail
examples of planning, monitoring and evaluation measures implemented in the
Context of European and British legislation.
      The role and interaction of all participants in the environmental management
process are considered demonstration how organisations implement environmental
management systems or how the planning system operates to ensure wider public
      Project work for this programme has been sponsored by major organisations.
Presently a student is supported with project to develop a nature trail for local
      Students can expect to work with a variety of organisations on practical
environmental issues.
1 implement                                  инструмент; принадлежность;
2 to trail                                   выслеживать; волочить; след

     12.8 Ecology and Biodiversity

      Ecology and Biodiversity is about organisms in their environment. It is a
broadly based degree allowing flexibility in subject choice in addition to a series of
carefully chosen core modules. You will study the diversity of animals and plants,
their form and function, how organisms are adapted to their environment, population
dynamics, competition, behaviour, animal/plant interactions and living communities.
You will see how the application of modern ideas in evolution and physiology help
unravel the mysteries of animal and plant evolution, form and function. Tropical
Ecology features prominently in our courses through our overseas research and
constancy work. A grounding in Ecology will provide you with the insight to some of