Environment Protection. Машутина Е.А. - 9 стр.



comparison with today's atmosphere, this pre-life was probably almost oxygen-free
and its carbon dioxide concentration may have been significantly higher.
The general temperature range was probably not much different from today,
although mean temperatures may have been higher than now because higher
concentrations of carbon dioxide would have tended to accentuate the "glasshouse"
effect of the atmosphere. Many other features of the environment are also vital for
our existence. Almost without exception all are in a dynamic state of balance, in
which biological and geological factors interact to provide the attributes that now
3.1 Words to remember
1 controversy спор, полемика
2 to be exposed to быть подверженным опасности
3 lethal смертельный
4 extreme крайность, крайняя степень (точка)
5 virtual фактический
6 to accumulate накапливать
7 vapour пар, испарение
8 carbon dioxide диоксид углерода
9 nitrogen азот
10 intrusive вторгающийся
11 extrusive вытесняющий
12 oxygen кислород
13 surface films земные оболочки
3.2 Pronounce the words correctly and write down the transcription
atmosphere, hydrosphere, essential, radiation, geological, interior, accentuate, vital,
dynamic, prevail.
3.3 Make up your own sentences using the new words
3.4 Read the text and answer the questions
1 What does the history of the earth as a planet still contain?
2 Was the earth exposed to wide temperature extremes and was the land
bombarded by lethal radiation?
3 It seems that the primitive earth had virtually no atmosphere or hydrosphere,
doesn't it?
4 What was the pre-life by comparison with today's atmosphere?
5 Has carbon dioxide concentration been significantly higher or lower? ,
6 Do biological and geological factors interact? What for?
comparison with today's atmosphere, this pre-life was probably almost oxygen-free
and its carbon dioxide concentration may have been significantly higher.
     The general temperature range was probably not much different from today,
although mean temperatures may have been higher than now because higher
concentrations of carbon dioxide would have tended to accentuate the "glasshouse"
effect of the atmosphere. Many other features of the environment are also vital for
our existence. Almost without exception all are in a dynamic state of balance, in
which biological and geological factors interact to provide the attributes that now

      3.1 Words to remember
1 controversy                             спор, полемика
2 to be exposed to                        быть подверженным опасности
3 lethal                                  смертельный
4 extreme                                 крайность, крайняя степень (точка)
5 virtual                                 фактический
6 to accumulate                           накапливать
7 vapour                                  пар, испарение
8 carbon dioxide                          диоксид углерода
9 nitrogen                                азот
10 intrusive                              вторгающийся
11 extrusive                              вытесняющий
12 oxygen                                 кислород
13 surface films                          земные оболочки

    3.2 Pronounce the words correctly and write down the transcription
atmosphere, hydrosphere, essential, radiation, geological, interior, accentuate, vital,
dynamic, prevail.

     3.3 Make up your own sentences using the new words

     3.4 Read the text and answer the questions
     1 What does the history of the earth as a planet still contain?
     2 Was the earth exposed to wide temperature extremes and was the land
        bombarded by lethal radiation?
     3 It seems that the primitive earth had virtually no atmosphere or hydrosphere,
        doesn't it?
     4 What was the pre-life by comparison with today's atmosphere?
     5 Has carbon dioxide concentration been significantly higher or lower? ,
     6 Do biological and geological factors interact? What for?
