Сборник технических текстов для домашнего чтения по английскому языку. Морозова М.А. - 13 стр.



Lift and Drag
A wing must be at a high enough AOA to deflect the air downward and produce the
desired lift. The pilot uses the elevators to change the angle of attack until the wings
produce the lift necessary for the desired maneuver.
Other factors are involved in the production of lift besides the AOA. These factors
are relative wind velocity (airspeed) and air density (temperature and altitude).
Changing the size or shape of the wing (lowering the flaps) will also change the
production of lift. Airspeed is absolutely necessary to produce lift. If there is no air-
flow past the wing, no air can be diverted downward. At low airspeed, the wing must
fly at
a high AOA to divert enough air downward to produce adequate lift. As airspeed
increases, the wing can fly at lower AOAs to produce the needed lift. This is why air-
planes flying relatively slow must be nose high (like an airliner just before landing or
just as it takes off) but at high airspeeds fly with the fuselage fairly level. The key is
that the wings don't have to divert fast moving air down nearly as much as they do to
slow moving air.
As an airplane in flight slows down, it must continually increase its pitch attitude and
AOA to produce the lift necessary to sustain level flight. At high AOAs, the top of
the wing diverts the air through a much larger angle than at low AOAs. As the AOA
increases, a point will be reached where the air simply cannot "take" the upper curve
over the entire distance of the top of the wing, and it starts to separate. When this
point is reached, the wing is not far from stalling. The airflow unsticks further up the
wing as the AOA increases. The top of the wing still contributes to the production of
lift, but not along its entire curve.
As the airspeed slows or as the angle of attack, or both, is increased further, the
point is reached where, because of this separation, an increase in the AOA results in a
loss of lift instead of an increase in lift. Thus, the wing no longer produces sufficient
lift and the airplane that the wing is supporting accelerates downward. This is the
Air density also contributes to the wing's ability to produce lift. This is mani-
fested primarily in an increase in altitude, which decreases air density. As the density
decreases, the wing must push a greater volume of air downward by flying faster or
push it down harder by increasing the angle of attack. This is why aircraft that fly
very high must either go very fast like the SR-71, capable of flying Mach 3 (three
times the speed of sound), or must have a very large wing for its weight, like the U-2
Wing Approaching the Stall
Effects of control movements
Knowing what happens when the controls are operated is the most basic skill
of piloting. It is also among the most misunderstood. When an airplane is flying, it
has a good deal of forward speed and airflow over all of its surfaces. Control move-
ments must be understood in terms of this airflow and its effects.
The Elevator
The elevator controls the Angle of Attack [AOA] of the wings, and subse-
quently the pitch. Pulling back on the stick results in a down force on the tail (the