Сборник технических текстов для домашнего чтения по английскому языку. Морозова М.А. - 22 стр.



The integrated digital complex of onboard
equipment provides operation of
the aircraft in all latitudes, all and around-the-clock
, in VFR and adverse weather
conditions, flights over unmarked terrain
, protection against antiaircraft means, for-
mation flying, takeoff and landing on unequipped unpaved airfields.
Use of equipment with multiplex channels of data exchange makes it possible
to easily modify and adapt the onboard avionics structure to suit any version.
Onboard aerial delivery system ensures autonomous loading/unloading of a
wide variety of cargoes and their air dropping. The onboard loading equipment com-
prises four overhead rail electric motor hoists with total cargo lifting capacity of 12 t,
two onboard electric winches each with a 1.5-ton tractive force. At customer option,
the aircraft may be equipped with an easily removable upper deck or roller conveyer
for container handling automation.
Onboard monitoring and diagnostic means make possible the autonomous op-
eration of the An-70 aircraft on poorly equipped airfields without use of any special
ground facilities. The aircraft maintenance is based on the "on-condition" strategy.
High technical and operational potential of the An-70 aircraft allows to create
on its basis an entire range of versions and modifications for military and civil use:
AEW aircraft, flying command post, patrol aircraft, tanker and a family of the civil-
aviation An-70T transports.
Development of the An-70 program, which began in 1975, effectively stopped
with the collapse of the Soviet Union. The first flight was on 16 December 1994, but
the prototype was destroyed on 10 February 1995 in a midair collision. Antonov had
a replacement in the air within the year.
An international consortium named the Medium Transport Aircraft (MTA)
was established in 1996 by a number of entities. Among those, besides AN-
TONOV ASTC, were the aircraft series production factories, the aircraft
engine and equipment designers, some business corporations and governmental
The MTA consortium arranges and performs all joint research and devel-
opment efforts, manufacturing, economical and foreign trade activities; it provides
for a long-term cooperation and linkage of the financial, material and other resources
in order to solve the problems of the An-70 certification, production, sale, leasing,
and after-sale support.
As of mid-1998 Germany was interested in evaluating a Westernized version
of the An-70 to meet its airlift needs. Germany and other NATO members signed for
the rival A400M. Germany was ready to purchase a license from Ukraine to build the
airplanes at aviation factories in Western Europe. But the Ukrainian side rejected the
proposal, saying 8,000-strong workforce at Antonov and AVIANT need jobs as well.
In June 2000 it was reported that Russia and Ukraine will build the new-
generation Antonov 70 transport aircraft, not with Germany, but with China as had
digital complex of onboardцифровой комплекс бортового оборудования
around- the-clock – круглосуточно (ый)