Сборник технических текстов для домашнего чтения по английскому языку. Морозова М.А. - 49 стр.



The longer range 747-400ER (Extended Range) Freighter was launched in
April 2001. The 747-400ER Freighter has a maximum take-off weight of 412,770kg.
To support the additional take-off weight, the 747-400ER Freighter is built with a
strengthened fuselage, strengthened landing gear with larger tyres and also some sec-
tions of the wings have been additionally strengthened. The increased take-off
weight, compared to the existing 747-400 freighter, allows the 747-400ER to fly an
additional 972km or to carry an additional 9,980kg payload on a long range flight at
maximum take-off weight.
In June 2004, Korean Air ordered two 747-400ER to add to its fleet of five, for
delivery in 2005.
The 747–400 Combat provides airlines with long-range passenger and cargo
capability. Boeing delivered 61 747-400 Combi aircraft to 13 customers between
1989 and 2002. The Combi has a large side-cargo door behind the left wing and
equipment that removes passenger seats and installs cargo tracks, allowing the option
of carrying cargo in containers on the main deck behind passengers.
Boeing is developing the 747 Large Cargo Freighter for transportation of the
large composite structures of the Boeing 787 Dreamliner for final assembly. Ever-
green Aviation Technologies Corp (EGAT) is converting three 747-400 passenger
jets to Large Cargo Freighters at its facility in Taipei, Taiwan. The entire aft fuselage
of the plane will be modified to swing open for loading and the upper fuselage will be
enlarged to provide a volume of 65,000ft³ (1,845m³), three times the capacity of the
747-400 freighter. The aircraft are planned to begin transportation of Dreamliner
parts in 2007.
The cockpit accommodates two pilots and has additional two seats for observ-
ers or for crew under training.
The automatic flight control system, with three triple independent flight control
computers and dual digital air data computers, includes autopilot, flight director and
automatic tailplane trim functions. The flight control system automatically manages
all phases of the flight except take-off. The crew can pre-select the flight plan using
standard air traffic control language on the Flight Management Control System. The
database on the Flight Management Control System includes data on waypoints, air-
ports and relevant geographical areas.
The flight deck is fitted with large size cathode ray tube displays showing pri-
mary flight data and navigation data, three multifunction control and display panels
and two engine indication and crew alert display screens.
The communications system includes dual VHF and HF transmitter/receivers
with selective calling. A color weather radar operates at I-band and G-band.
The navigation suite includes a dual VHF omnidirectional radio ranger, a triple
instrument landing system with a marker beacon receiver, dual automatic direction
finders, dual distance measuring equipment, triple ring laser gyro inertial reference