Сборник технических текстов для домашнего чтения по английскому языку. Морозова М.А. - 55 стр.



range of 13,335km with 359 passengers. The aircraft is powered by a new, more
powerful GE90-115B engine rated at 511kN (115,000lb). New highly tapered raked
wingtip extensions have been fitted to reduce take-off field length, climb perform-
ance and fuel efficiency. Boeing has received firm orders for over 107 aircraft from
ten customers including four (plus nine options) from Emirates in July 2004 and 18
(plus 13 options) from Singapore Airlines in August 2004.
In July 2004, Boeing announced that an enhanced 777-300ER with even longer
range will be available from the end of 2005, following improvements to engine effi-
ciency and design changes to reduce drag and weight. The new version will have a
maximum range of 14,594km (7,880nm).
The 777-200LR (Long Range) Worldliner is an ultra long-range version and is
designed to be the longest range aircraft in the world. The aircraft program was origi-
nally known as the 777-200X and was launched in February 2000. Work on the air-
craft was halted in October 2001 but restarted in March 2003. First flight took place
in March 2005. The range is 17,446km carrying 301 passengers. The aircraft is pow-
ered by two 489kN engines, type General Electric GE90-110B. An additional fuel
tank installed in the rear cargo bay brings the fuel capacity to 195,280L. The aircraft
will also be fitted with new raked wingtip extensions. Launch customer will be Paki-
stan International Airlines (PIA), which will receive the first 777-200LR Worldliner
in January 2006. Orders have also been received from EVA Airways (three), Air
Canada (up to 18), Air India (eight), Qatar Airways and ILFC (two).
In May 2005, Boeing launched the 777F freighter with an order for five aircraft
plus three options from Air France. The freighter will be able to carry a revenue pay-
load of 103t (229,000lb) up to 9,195km (4,965nm) and is due to enter service by the
end of 2008.
The two-pilot flight deck is fitted with a five-screen electronic flight informa-
tion system with five, 8in (203mm) colour liquid crystal displays, including two pri-
mary flight displays, two navigation displays and an engine indication and crew alert-
ing system (EICAS) display. The central control panel between the two pilots holds
three multipurpose control and display units for the aircraft information management
system, systems information, flight management functions, thrust control and com-
A two-bunk flight crew rest area is installed on the port side of the flight deck.
An optional installation is a crew rest module in the underfloor section. The crew rest
module houses six bunks and occupies the same floor area as a standard 96in cargo
The aircraft has Boeing's fly-by-wire controls with flight envelope protection
and automatic pilot and stabilisation functions. The fly-by-wire system sends back-
driven signals to the pilots' rudder pedals and control columns to provide the pilot
with sensory awareness of the activities of the automated systems.
The aircraft has a triple redundant digital autopilot and flight director designed
by Rockwell Collins. The BAE Systems (formerly Marconi Avionics) triple digital
primary flight computers provide the control limits and flight envelope protection