Английский язык. Никитина С.Я - 12 стр.


The main feature of this train is its fully modular design, i.e. the train is built using
a) The train is designed especially for arranging symposiums, conferences, and
important meetings.
b) The vehicle is based on the principle of modularity; it means that if necessary the
interior furnishing can be converted into a conference room and provide enough
space for holding meetings, conferences, etc.
Ex. 10. Answer the following questions. Do it in written form.
1. What company has developed a new type of train? What is its name? 2. What
services will this train be used for? 3. What design is this train based on? 4. Does this train
incorporate tilting equipment? 5. What speed can this train reach? 6. Is the length of the
new Venturio train changeable? What does it mean? 7. Will this train operate on ac or dc
electrified lines? 8. What can you say about the interior furnishing of the cars? 9. Will the
train be supplied with spare parts? 10. Where will testing of the trains be carried out?
Ex.11. Using the answers of exercise 10 tell about the new train.
Ex. 1. Practice the reading of the following words and phrases:
Thailand, debt, acquire, unfortunately, persuade, restructure, deteriorate, expertise,
financial performance, long-term debt, a more sound financial footing, through
modernizing its wagon fleet, would like to acquire, air-conditioned restaurant/bar cars, the
quality of its on-board services, SRT’s assistant general manager.
Ex. 2. Copy the following words and memorize their meanings:
to try пытаться, пробовать;
to deteriorate ухудшаться;
to persuade – убеждать, уговаривать;
sound прочный; платежеспособный;
to result in smth. – приводить к чему-либо;
to leaseсдавать в аренду; брать в аренду;
to investigateисследовать, расследовать;
to admitпризнавать, соглашаться;
a debtдолг.
Ex.3. Translate the sentences from English into Russian.
1. Air quality is deteriorating fast in our cities. 2. When reading the story try to find
answers to these questions. 3. Don’t let yourself be persuaded into buying things you don’t
really want. 4. We haven’t had much spare cash this year as we’ve been paying off all our
debts. 5. More attention to road can result in a decrease of road accidents. 6. Scientists are
investigating how ear cells transmit messages to the brain. 7. I must admit that I haven’t