Ex. 1. Practice the reading of the following words:
modular, modularity, diesel-electric, standardized;
inter-city and inter-regional passenger services, to incorporate tilting equipment,
multi-system versions, interior furnishing.
Ex. 2. These are the key words to lesson 2. You are to copy them and
memorize their meanings.
an emu (electric multiple unit) – электричка;
a diesel-electric unit – дизель-электровоз;
modularity – модульность; модульный принцип построения;
tilting equipment (mechanism) – противоопрокидывающий механизм;
a spare part – запасная часть;
a.c., ac (alternating current) – переменный ток;
d.c., dc (direct current) – постоянный ток.
Ex. 3. Copy the following words and memorize their meanings:
proven – доказанный; проверенный (на практике, в деле);
to extend – продолжать (строительство дороги); распространять (влияние;
использование чего-либо);
to furnish – обставлять (мебелью и т.п.).
Translate the sentences into Russian.
1. The use of proven technology is sure to provide safe and reliable operation of this
equipment. 2. According to local press reports this bus route will be extended to the next
town. 3. The US government is still trying to extend its influence over European politics.
4. As this design technology is well proven it is likely to be extended to other production
processes. 5. The new hotel is finished but it is not furnished. 6. The customers were
surprised by luxurious interior furnishing of the recently built supermarket. 7. They will
extend the subway from central Buffalo to the smaller towns around the city.
Ex. 4. In the sentences below replace the words in italics with a single word
from the box. Translate the sentences into Russian.
speed, spare part, platform, feature, proven, manufacturer
1. The main important and noticeable characteristic of this train is its modularity.
2. The new Venturio train is based on a single modular raised flat surface built along the
side of the track at a railway station for travellers getting on and off the train. 3. Thanks
to tilting equipment the train will be operated at a very high distance divided by time of
travel. 4. All trains will be supplied with new parts of vehicles that take the place of
damaged or broken ones. 5. The use of technology that has been tested and shown to be
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