Контрольные работы по английскому языку (для студентов 2 курса заочного отделения юридического факультета). Оськина С.Д. - 8 стр.



7. Some more driving errors include ignoring yellow or solid “do
not pass” lines, no taillights, taking drugs to stay awake, daydreaming at
the wheel, stopping in a right-hand lane to make a left turn, lane strad-
dling, and moving into the left lane to make a right turn.
8. But one of the most significant points made by the drivers was
there ought to be more and better law enforcement.
IV. Просмотрите текст, выпишите все неличные формы
глагола и определите их функции, заполните таблицу:
(The Infinitive)
(The Gerund)
(The Participles)
Составная часть
V. Answer the following questions:
1) What signals are most cars equipped with?
2) What does today’s traffic demand?
3) Is it necessary to dim for oncoming vehicles on a divided
4) What does the moral blame for any resulting accident rest
5) Make a list of the driving errors mentioned in the text and say
how common they are in your country.
VI. Переведите следующие слова и словосочетания:
to be equipped with
to pass a car
to pass a law
a cause of the crime
it is failure to pass
killer on the highways
fatal accidents
to take drugs
law enforcement
VII. Grammar Review. Put the verbs in brackets into correct
form: gerund or infinitive (active or passive). Translate this text in
written form.
Offenders sent to Island in the sun
Thirteen young offenders from London are being sent (spend) a
year on a Caribbean island in an experiment aimed at (combat) crime.
The young people – aged 15–17 – are trained in Denmark for six
years before (go) to the West Indian island of St. Vincent (live) in a
small communal farm at the foot of a volcano.
The school is run by a Danish co-operative which specializes in
(provide) challenges for difficult young people (build) up their confi-
dence with adults.
The two London boroughs whose social services departments are
responsible for (introduce) the scheme say they are sending the young
people so they can (learn) (face) up to challenges which they have no
opportunity of (meet) on the streets of the capital.
Other London boroughs are showing an interest in (adopt) the
scheme, particularly as it works out cheaper than (keep) young offend-
ers in homes in London.
       7. Some more driving errors include ignoring yellow or solid “do            killer on the highways
not pass” lines, no taillights, taking drugs to stay awake, daydreaming at         fatal accidents
the wheel, stopping in a right-hand lane to make a left turn, lane strad-          to take drugs
dling, and moving into the left lane to make a right turn.                         law enforcement
       8. But one of the most significant points made by the drivers was
there ought to be more and better law enforcement.                                 VII. Grammar Review. Put the verbs in brackets into correct
                                                                             form: gerund or infinitive (active or passive). Translate this text in
     IV. Просмотрите текст, выпишите все неличные формы                      written form.
глагола и определите их функции, заполните таблицу:
                                                                                               Offenders sent to Island in the sun
                      Инфинитив         Герундий         Причастия
     Функции                                                                        Thirteen young offenders from London are being sent (spend) a
                     (The Infinitive) (The Gerund)     (The Participles)
                                                                             year on a Caribbean island in an experiment aimed at (combat) crime.
                                                         PI        P II
                                                                                    The young people – aged 15–17 – are trained in Denmark for six
 Подлежащее                                                                  years before (go) to the West Indian island of St. Vincent (live) in a
 Составная часть                                                             small communal farm at the foot of a volcano.
 сказуемого                                                                         The school is run by a Danish co-operative which specializes in
 Определение                                                                 (provide) challenges for difficult young people (build) up their confi-
 Дополнение                                                                  dence with adults.
 Обстоятельство                                                                     The two London boroughs whose social services departments are
                                                                             responsible for (introduce) the scheme say they are sending the young
      V. Answer the following questions:                                     people so they can (learn) (face) up to challenges which they have no
                                                                             opportunity of (meet) on the streets of the capital.
      1) What signals are most cars equipped with?                                  Other London boroughs are showing an interest in (adopt) the
      2) What does today’s traffic demand?                                   scheme, particularly as it works out cheaper than (keep) young offend-
      3) Is it necessary to dim for oncoming vehicles on a divided           ers in homes in London.
      4) What does the moral blame for any resulting accident rest
      5) Make a list of the driving errors mentioned in the text and say
how common they are in your country.

      VI. Переведите следующие слова и словосочетания:
      to be equipped with
      to pass a car
      to pass a law
      a cause of the crime
      it is failure to pass

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