1 Section 1
1.1 Part 1
1.1.1 Words and word-combinations to be remembered
highly sensitive сверхчувствительный
core ядро, зд. основной состав
radio physicist радиофизик
postgraduate course аспирантура
doctor’s degree course докторантура
solid state physics физика твердого тела
nanotechnology нанотехнология (технология наноструктур)
natostructure наноструктура (полупроводниковая структура
с нанометровыми размерами элементов)
nanometer (nm) миллимикрон, 10
basic research фундаментальное исследование
original research самостоятельное исследование
1.1.2 Notes to the text
Radiophysics and Electronics Department кафедра радиофизики и электроники
Where there’s a will there’s a way Где хотенье, там и уменье
molecular manufacturing производство на молекулярном
kinetics of unliner optical reactions кинетика нелинейных фотореакций
laser processes control лазерное управление процессами
optical recording of information оптическая запись информации
software control of physical processes программное управление
физическими процессами
1.1.3 Read and translate the text. Find the passive forms of the verbs,
define their tense forms
My speciality
I am a student of the Radiophysics and Electronics Department of Orenburg State
University. Radiophysics is a very interesting speciality to my mind. I have read a
great many articles concerning my future speciality as I am interested in technical
journals on radioelectronics. It includes such branches of physics as acoustics, optics,
meteorology, crystallography, vacuum semiconductors, molecular and quantum
electronics. I realize that the use of highly sensitive semiconductors, masers and
lasers, rapidly improving electronic devices will bring about still greater
transformations both in science and industry and paves the way to new victories of
Man over the secrets of Nature. Sometimes I come across many things I don’t
1 Section 1 1.1 Part 1 1.1.1 Words and word-combinations to be remembered highly sensitive сверхчувствительный core ядро, зд. основной состав radio physicist радиофизик postgraduate course аспирантура doctor’s degree course докторантура solid state physics физика твердого тела nanotechnology нанотехнология (технология наноструктур) natostructure наноструктура (полупроводниковая структура с нанометровыми размерами элементов) nanometer (nm) миллимикрон, 10-9 м basic research фундаментальное исследование original research самостоятельное исследование 1.1.2 Notes to the text Radiophysics and Electronics Department кафедра радиофизики и электроники Where there’s a will there’s a way Где хотенье, там и уменье (поговорка) molecular manufacturing производство на молекулярном уровне kinetics of unliner optical reactions кинетика нелинейных фотореакций laser processes control лазерное управление процессами optical recording of information оптическая запись информации software control of physical processes программное управление физическими процессами 1.1.3 Read and translate the text. Find the passive forms of the verbs, define their tense forms My speciality I am a student of the Radiophysics and Electronics Department of Orenburg State University. Radiophysics is a very interesting speciality to my mind. I have read a great many articles concerning my future speciality as I am interested in technical journals on radioelectronics. It includes such branches of physics as acoustics, optics, meteorology, crystallography, vacuum semiconductors, molecular and quantum electronics. I realize that the use of highly sensitive semiconductors, masers and lasers, rapidly improving electronic devices will bring about still greater transformations both in science and industry and paves the way to new victories of Man over the secrets of Nature. Sometimes I come across many things I don’t