My speciality. Овчинникова Т.Е - 48 стр.


2.16.6 Translate these verbs into Russian
refer (to), provide, consider, permit, neglect, supply, occur, fix.
2.16.7 Describe figures 14, 15
2.17 Part 17
2.17.1 Find 3 gerunds in the text, define their functions in the sentence.
Find a sentence with the independent participle construction in the text. Define
the function of would in the last sentence
1.The wave form of the rectified load current can be improved by making use of both
positive and negative halves of the A.C. cycle. The tube has two separate anodes and
one cathode. Typical tubes are the 5T4 and 5Z3. The transformer secondary winding
is provided with a center tap. On tracing through the circuit it is seen that in each half
of the cycle, one half of the secondary winding and one rectifier anode carry current,
the other being idle. The D.C. component of current is 2/π or 0-636 of the peak value.
2. Besides giving a better wave form than the half-wave rectifier, the full-wave circuit
has the advantage of symmetrical action in the transformer. In the half-wave circuit, the
secondary current always flows in the same direction around the transformer core, and
thereby produces a D.C. component of the flux in the core. The A.C. flux set up by the
primary current is superimposed on the D.C. flux, and to avoid oversaturation the
transformer must be made larger than would be necessary if no D.C. component
Notes to the text
full-wave rectifierдвухполупериодный выпрямитель.
2.17.2 Translate the word-combinations
rectified load current, full-wave rectifier, half-wave rectifier, transformer secondary
winding, peak value.
2.17.3 Answer the questions
1. How can the wave form of the rectified load current be improved? 2. How does the
secondary current flow in the half-wave circuit?
2.17.4 Translate the word-combinations, paying attention to the meaning
of the words some and same
the same transformer some component
the same direction some changes
the same value some windings
      2.16.6 Translate these verbs into Russian

refer (to), provide, consider, permit, neglect, supply, occur, fix.

      2.16.7 Describe figures 14, 15

      2.17 Part 17

      2.17.1 Find 3 gerunds in the text, define their functions in the sentence.
Find a sentence with the independent participle construction in the text. Define
the function of would in the last sentence

                             FULL-WAVE RECTIFIER

1.The wave form of the rectified load current can be improved by making use of both
positive and negative halves of the A.C. cycle. The tube has two separate anodes and
one cathode. Typical tubes are the 5T4 and 5Z3. The transformer secondary winding
is provided with a center tap. On tracing through the circuit it is seen that in each half
of the cycle, one half of the secondary winding and one rectifier anode carry current,
the other being idle. The D.C. component of current is 2/π or 0-636 of the peak value.
2. Besides giving a better wave form than the half-wave rectifier, the full-wave circuit
has the advantage of symmetrical action in the transformer. In the half-wave circuit, the
secondary current always flows in the same direction around the transformer core, and
thereby produces a D.C. component of the flux in the core. The A.C. flux set up by the
primary current is superimposed on the D.C. flux, and to avoid oversaturation the
transformer must be made larger than would be necessary if no D.C. component

        Notes to the text

full-wave rectifier — двухполупериодный выпрямитель.

      2.17.2 Translate the word-combinations

rectified load current, full-wave rectifier, half-wave rectifier, transformer secondary
winding, peak value.
       2.17.3 Answer the questions

1. How can the wave form of the rectified load current be improved? 2. How does the
secondary current flow in the half-wave circuit?

       2.17.4 Translate the word-combinations, paying attention to the meaning
of the words some and same

the same transformer    some component
the same direction some changes
the same value     some windings