Business writing (деловое письмо). Палагина С.С. - 17 стр.



a) Tell us about yourself:
Male……… Female…+……Social Security Number 122345
Legal name: ……… Kate Mary
Last First Middle
Permanent home address:………
City: Laredo State:Texas Zip code……… Country………
Telephone-Home 44552-47 Office: ………
Place of birth: Laredo Date of birth………
Legal Residence: Texas Resident……… Non-Resident………Foreign……
Military status: Veteran …NO ……Dates of service………
Marital status: Single…YES Married… Divorced/separated…Widowed…
If unmarried, provide information on your parent or closest living relative.
If married, please provide information on your spouse:
Name: West………………………… Relationship: father
Last First Middle
Permanent Mailing Address ……………
City: Laredo… State……… Zip code………Country: The USA
Telephone-home……… Office: 44595 – 21…
b) Tell us about your plans:
Will you seek teacher certification from TAMIU? …+…Yes……No
Applying for …2 (year) Admission for…Winter…+…Fall……Spring
Are you enrolled at another University/College?……Yes……No
If Yes, where? …Alabama Finance University…………………
c) Tell us about your educational background:
Please list all Colleges and Universities you have attended beginning with the
most recent:
…Alabama Finance University Alabama…………1999 - 1996………
…………………………………………… Degree in Finance and
…Texas Administration College………………… 1994-1996………
What exams have you taken?
Exam Date Taken Mark
1) Economy and Finance ………. Excellent
2) ..…………………….. ………. ………..
3) ..…………………….. ……… ………..
    a) Tell us about yourself:

Male……… Female…+……Social Security Number 122345
    Legal name: ………              Kate        Mary
                  Last           First       Middle
    Permanent home address:………
    City: Laredo State:Texas Zip code……… Country………
    Telephone-Home 44552-47 Office: ………
    Place of birth: Laredo      Date of birth………
    Legal Residence: Texas Resident……… Non-Resident………Foreign……
    Military status: Veteran …NO ……Dates of service………
    Marital status: Single…YES Married… Divorced/separated…Widowed…
    If unmarried, provide information on your parent or closest living relative.
    If married, please provide information on your spouse:
    Name: West………………………… Relationship: father
                 Last     First Middle
    Permanent Mailing Address ……………
    City: Laredo… State……… Zip code………Country: The USA
    Telephone-home……… Office: 44595 – 21…

    b) Tell us about your plans:

    Will you seek teacher certification from TAMIU? …+…Yes……No
         Applying for …2 (year) Admission for…Winter…+…Fall……Spring
         Are you enrolled at another University/College?……Yes……No
         If Yes, where? …Alabama Finance University…………………

    c) Tell us about your educational background:

    Please list all Colleges and Universities you have attended beginning with the
most recent:
         …Alabama Finance University Alabama…………1999 - 1996………
         ……………………………………………                               Degree in Finance and
         …Texas Administration College………………… 1994-1996………

    What exams have you taken?

    Exam                             Date Taken             Mark

    1) Economy and Finance            ……….                 Excellent
    2) ..……………………..                   ……….                 ………..
    3) ..……………………..                   ………                  ………..