Business writing (деловое письмо). Палагина С.С. - 21 стр.



"We’re looking for a well-written, detailed essay that responds directly to the
question. The questions are about extracurriculars, motivation, challeges,
commitment to the school - that kind of thing."
Steven DeKrey, Director of Admissions and Financial Aid
Graduate School of Management (Northwestern University)
"What we’re looking for is somebody who, in their personal statement, stands
out as being so unusual, so diverse, that they’re extremely attractive as a law student
for the first-year class. Maybe what’s going to make them distinctive is the fact they
spent six months living in a log cabin in Alaska."
Michael D. Rappaport, Assistant Dean of Admissions
UCLA School of Law
"The personal statement carries the responsibility of presenting the student’s life
experiences. Applicants make a mistake by doing a lot of speculation about what
they’re going to do in the future rather than telling us about what they’ve done in the
past. It is our job to speculate, and we are experienced at that."
"Another mistake is that everyone tries to make himself or herself the perfect
law school applicant who, of course, does not exist and is not nearly as interesting as
a real human being."
Beth O’Neil, Director of Admissions and Financial Aid
University of California at Berkeley School of Law
"Be yourself. Really show your personality. Tell us why you are unique, why we
should admit you."
Dr. Daniel R. Alonso, Associate Dean forAdmissions
Cornell University Medical College
"The Statement of Purpose is an opportunity for you to give a picture of
Edward Hower
English Department, Cornell University.
2.5 Some General Do’s and Don’ts
- Do take a lot of time. Plan to spend a month or so preparing for the essay. Plan
to let it rest for a week, so you have time to mull it over and get a perspective on it.
Write it 20 – 30 times.
- Do read the question carefully.
- Do write the length of essay they ask for. If they ask for 200 words give them
that or 190 or 220.
- Type your final draft unless they tell you not to. Type it well with no mistakes.
Buy some good paper.
- Do write a separate essay for each university that you are applying to.
- Do as much research on the university as you can. If you can get hold of a
catalogue, read it. If you can find someone who went to the university, talk to them.
- Don’t be phoney. Be honest.
- Accentuate your positive qualities. If you had the highest mark in class, make
sure that they know it.
      "We’re looking for a well-written, detailed essay that responds directly to the
question. The questions are about extracurriculars, motivation, challeges,
commitment to the school - that kind of thing."
                Steven DeKrey, Director of Admissions and Financial Aid
                Graduate School of Management (Northwestern University)
      "What we’re looking for is somebody who, in their personal statement, stands
out as being so unusual, so diverse, that they’re extremely attractive as a law student
for the first-year class. Maybe what’s going to make them distinctive is the fact they
spent six months living in a log cabin in Alaska."
                Michael D. Rappaport, Assistant Dean of Admissions
                UCLA School of Law
      "The personal statement carries the responsibility of presenting the student’s life
experiences. Applicants make a mistake by doing a lot of speculation about what
they’re going to do in the future rather than telling us about what they’ve done in the
past. It is our job to speculate, and we are experienced at that."
      "Another mistake is that everyone tries to make himself or herself the perfect
law school applicant who, of course, does not exist and is not nearly as interesting as
a real human being."
                Beth O’Neil, Director of Admissions and Financial Aid
                University of California at Berkeley School of Law
      "Be yourself. Really show your personality. Tell us why you are unique, why we
should admit you."
                Dr. Daniel R. Alonso, Associate Dean forAdmissions
                Cornell University Medical College
      "The Statement of Purpose is an opportunity for you to give a picture of
                Edward Hower
                English Department, Cornell University.

      2.5 Some General Do’s and Don’ts

      - Do take a lot of time. Plan to spend a month or so preparing for the essay. Plan
to let it rest for a week, so you have time to mull it over and get a perspective on it.
Write it 20 – 30 times.
      - Do read the question carefully.
      - Do write the length of essay they ask for. If they ask for 200 words give them
that or 190 or 220.
      - Type your final draft unless they tell you not to. Type it well with no mistakes.
Buy some good paper.
      - Do write a separate essay for each university that you are applying to.
      - Do as much research on the university as you can. If you can get hold of a
catalogue, read it. If you can find someone who went to the university, talk to them.
      - Don’t be phoney. Be honest.
      - Accentuate your positive qualities. If you had the highest mark in class, make
sure that they know it.