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7.1. Paul Baran. On distributed communications: 1. Introduction to
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California, 1964. Режим доступа:
7.2. Mitch Waldrop. DARPA and the Internet Revolution. Сайт
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7.3. Jonathan Strickland. How ARPANET Works. Режим доступа:
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7.4. Медведев Д. Л. Основоположники сети Интернет. //
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7.5. ALOHAnet. Режим доступа:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ALOHAnet, свободный.
7.6. H. Norman Abramson. Development of the ALOHANET // IEEE
Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. IT-31, No. 2, March 1985. P. 119–
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7.7. Richard H. Thompson and Larry W. Swanson. Hypothesis-driven
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7.8. Ed Bullmore and Olaf Sporns. Complex brain networks: graph
theoretical analysis of structural and functional systems // Nature reviews.
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К главе 8:
8.1. Коньков К.А., Карпов В.Е. Краткая история эволюции
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технологий. Режим доступа:
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8.2. Doug Ross. MIT's (the world's?) first Operating System. // по
материалу D. Ross, A personal view of the personal work station: some firsts
in the fifties в сборнике A history of personal workstations, Нью-Йорк,
1988. Режим доступа: