Практикум по английскому языку (по истории Англии Средних веков). Пилипенко В.А - 5 стр.


I. Check the meaning of the words in your dictionary:
superior; aloof; hypocritical; hard; convinced; snobbish; aside;
unsociable; stubborn; persistent.
II. Match a word in A with its opposite in B.
unsociable inferior
superior easy to deal with
hard calm
scared sleepy
awake sociable
frustrated sure
hypocritical bored
interested honest
III. Match a line in A with a line in B.
a. The Romans conquered most
of Britains
1. Of course, they were diplomats
and merchants
b. Much has been said about the
British character
2. And the sun there never set
c. Some Britons could afford to
3. But were unable to subdue the
tribes in the west.
d. The main tribes were Angles,
Jutes and Saxons
4. And this country has another
e. Britain was for centuries the
workshop of the world
5. But traditionally the British
have been known as insular.
f. The British people may appear
to move very slowly
6. But this mixture was known
simply as English.
g. In recent years many people
have found another Britain of the
working class
7. But so does the history in

I. Check the meaning of the words in your dictionary:
     superior; aloof; hypocritical; hard; convinced; snobbish; aside;
unsociable; stubborn; persistent.

II. Match a word in A with its opposite in B.

                       A                           B
             unsociable                   inferior
             superior                     easy to deal with
             hard                         calm
             scared                       sleepy
             awake                        sociable
             frustrated                   sure
             hypocritical                 bored
             interested                   honest

III. Match a line in A with a line in B.

  a. The Romans conquered most            1. Of course, they were diplomats
  of Britains                             and merchants
  b. Much has been said about the         2. And the sun there never set
  British character
  c. Some Britons could afford to         3. But were unable to subdue the
  travel                                  tribes in the west.
  d. The main tribes were Angles,         4. And this country has another
  Jutes and Saxons                        characteristics.
  e. Britain was for centuries the        5. But traditionally the British
  workshop of the world                   have been known as insular.
  f. The British people may appear        6. But this mixture was known
  to move very slowly                     simply as English.
  g. In recent years many people          7. But so does the history in
  have found another Britain of the       Britain.
  working class
