Read about It. Рахимбергенова М.Х. - 14 стр.



** Hathor – in Egyptian mythology, a major goddess, the Lady of
Heaven, Earth and the Underworld.
*** Elephantine – a site of the southern tip of Elephantine Island,
in the Nile of Upper Egypt.
1. Give the Russian equivalents to the following words. Learn
them by heart.
1. firmament
2. divine
3. spirit
4. deity
5. virtue
6. constellation
7. mankind
8. enchantress
9. kingdom
10. protection
11. invisible
12. heaven
13. serpent
14. malignant
15. slaughter
16. exalt
17. rebels
18. wisdom
19. remnant
20. slay
2. Give the English equivalents to the following words.
1. фараон
2. и вот!
3. бездна
4. супруг(а)
5. рассвет
6. закат
7. могучий
8. жало
9. плоть
10. утаивать
11. сомневаться
12. наказывать
13. разрушать
14. раскаиваться
15. воля
3. Match the adjectives with the suitable noun. Translate.
1. cosmic
2. sun
3. divine
4. eastern
5. poisonous
6. highest
7. malignant
8. great
9. mighty
a) serpent
b) god
c) thing
d) temple
e) father
f) cult
g) deity
h) horizon
i) heaven
4. Look through the text and choose all the gods and god-
desses names. Explain their hierarchy or relations between them.
5. Find the best way to complete each sentence.
1. Some deities continue to
exist in afterlife in different
2. Gods had many unknown
to men names hidden in the
3. Things are supposed to be
created by gods.
4. Between goddesses there
were enchantresses.
5. Gods were closely associ-
ated with nature.
a) Thus Thoth has control of the
moon, the Spitter sent the rain and
Nut was the goddess of the firma-
e) Usually they were malignant
and wanted to have total power in
the heavens and on the earth.
b) For example, myth says that
mankind was born from Ra’s eye.
c) For example, some of them
shine as stars of the constellation.
d) This gave them divine power.
6. Answer the following questions. Use the words given above.
1. What time did this myth originate?
2. Can you describe the personality of Ra?
3. Why did Ra have many names?
4. What kind of goddesses was Isis?
5. What was her famous desire?
6. What did she do to reach her goal?
7. What caused Ra’s sufferings?
8. Why did Ra let secret name enter Isis’ heart?
9. Why did Ra invite Nu and other gods and goddesses in secret?
10. What decision was made by gods?
11. Why did Hathor rejoice?
12. Was the whole mankind slaughtered?
       ** Hathor – in Egyptian mythology, a major goddess, the Lady of            5. Find the best way to complete each sentence.
Heaven, Earth and the Underworld.
       *** Elephantine – a site of the southern tip of Elephantine Island,   1. Some deities continue to        a) Thus Thoth has control of the
in the Nile of Upper Egypt.                                                  exist in afterlife in different    moon, the Spitter sent the rain and
                                                                             forms.                             Nut was the goddess of the firma-
      1. Give the Russian equivalents to the following words. Learn                                             ment.
them by heart.                                                               2. Gods had many unknown           e) Usually they were malignant
                                                                             to men names hidden in the         and wanted to have total power in
1. firmament         6. constellation        11. invisible   16. exalt       heart.                             the heavens and on the earth.
2. divine            7. mankind              12. heaven      17. rebels      3. Things are supposed to be       b) For example, myth says that
3. spirit            8. enchantress          13. serpent     18. wisdom      created by gods.                   mankind was born from Ra’s eye.
4. deity             9. kingdom              14. malignant   19. remnant     4. Between goddesses there         c) For example, some of them
5. virtue            10. protection          15. slaughter   20. slay        were enchantresses.                shine as stars of the constellation.
                                                                             5. Gods were closely associ-       d) This gave them divine power.
      2. Give the English equivalents to the following words.                ated with nature.

1. фараон         5. рассвет        9. плоть        13. разрушать                 6. Answer the following questions. Use the words given above.
2. и вот!         6. закат          10. утаивать    14. раскаиваться              1. What time did this myth originate?
3. бездна         7. могучий        11. сомневаться 15. воля                      2. Can you describe the personality of Ra?
4. супруг(а)      8. жало           12. наказывать                                3. Why did Ra have many names?
                                                                                  4. What kind of goddesses was Isis?
      3. Match the adjectives with the suitable noun. Translate.                  5. What was her famous desire?
                                                                                  6. What did she do to reach her goal?
      1. cosmic                              a) serpent                           7. What caused Ra’s sufferings?
      2. sun                                 b) god                               8. Why did Ra let secret name enter Isis’ heart?
      3. divine                              c) thing                             9. Why did Ra invite Nu and other gods and goddesses in secret?
      4. eastern                             d) temple                            10. What decision was made by gods?
      5. poisonous                           e) father                            11. Why did Hathor rejoice?
      6. highest                             f) cult                              12. Was the whole mankind slaughtered?
      7. malignant                           g) deity
      8. great                               h) horizon
      9. mighty                              i) heaven

      4. Look through the text and choose all the gods’ and god-
desses’ names. Explain their hierarchy or relations between them.

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