Read about It. Рахимбергенова М.Х. - 17 стр.



6. строить жизнь согласно религии,
7. никому не навязывать религию,
8. быть независимым в исламе,
9. доверять интуиции,
10. духовно исполнена.
4. Answer the questions below. While answering try to use the
words and the word-combinations from the tasks above.
1. Why do people usually convert to other religion?
2. What causes misconception of Islam?
3. What peculiarities made Ajon feel Islam natural?
4. Imagine that a friend of yours is going to convert to other relig-
ion (Islam, for instance). Will your position coincide with Jean-
Michelle’s mother’s one?
5. What should Muslims do to change the situation with misrep-
resentation of their religion?
6. Do you agree with the words of a convert «Mom, it’s just
God’s name. Only it’s spelled differently»?
Read the title of the article. What do you expect to read in this
article about?
by Jeffrey Good
Have you heard anything about Christian Science? If you ha-
vent, read now the article from The Wordsworth Dictionary of Be-
liefs & Religions given below this text.
Amy Hermanson was a sunny seven-year-old with blond hair and
bubbly ways. She liked to serenade adults with her favorite song: Dis-
ney’s «It’s a Small World After All.»
But Amy’s world went awry one Sunday in 1986. An adult friend
of her family noticed the child’s sunken eyes, her listless manner, the
way her clothes hung from her tiny bones. She tried to get the child to
sing her favorite song.
«She used to come over and sing every verse to me. I couldn’t
even get her to make a comment on the song, let alone sing it,» the
friend, Mary Christman, would later tell investigators. She recalled her
husband saying, «If the child does not receive medical attention, she
will be dead within a week.»
But Amy’s parents are Christian Scientists. They decided to try to
heal the child with prayer rather than seek a doctor’s aid. Two days after
the Christmans saw her, Amy died of diabetes.
On Monday, Amy’s parents are scheduled to go on trial in the
Sarasota County Courthouse on charges of third-degree murder* and
felony child abuse**. Prosecutors say William and Christine Herman-
son committed a crime by putting religious principles ahead of protect-
ing their daughter. The Hermansons say their accusers are wrong. If
convicted, the couple could face three to seven years in jail.
At issue is a legal principle with national ramifications. Since
1967, no Christian Scientist in the United States has stood trial for de-
nying children medical care for religious reasons. Six similar cases are
pending, but the Hermansons are the first to go to court.
      6. строить жизнь согласно религии,                                                                     TEXT V
      7. никому не навязывать религию,
      8. быть независимым в исламе,                                                  Read the title of the article. What do you expect to read in this
      9. доверять интуиции,                                                   article about?
      10. духовно исполнена.
                                                                                              DYING FOR THEIR BELIEFS:
      4. Answer the questions below. While answering try to use the                         CHRISTIAN SCIENTIST PARENTS
words and the word-combinations from the tasks above.                                         ON TRIAL IN GIRL’S DEATH
      1. Why do people usually convert to other religion?                                            by Jeffrey Good
      2. What causes misconception of Islam?
      3. What peculiarities made Ajon feel Islam natural?                            Have you heard anything about Christian Science? If you ha-
      4. Imagine that a friend of yours is going to convert to other relig-   ven’t, read now the article from The Wordsworth Dictionary of Be-
ion (Islam, for instance). Will your position coincide with Jean-             liefs & Religions given below this text.
Michelle’s mother’s one?                                                             Amy Hermanson was a sunny seven-year-old with blond hair and
      5. What should Muslims do to change the situation with misrep-          bubbly ways. She liked to serenade adults with her favorite song: Dis-
resentation of their religion?                                                ney’s «It’s a Small World After All.»
      6. Do you agree with the words of a convert «Mom, it’s just                    But Amy’s world went awry one Sunday in 1986. An adult friend
God’s name. Only it’s spelled differently»?                                   of her family noticed the child’s sunken eyes, her listless manner, the
                                                                              way her clothes hung from her tiny bones. She tried to get the child to
                                                                              sing her favorite song.
                                                                                     «She used to come over and sing every verse to me. I couldn’t
                                                                              even get her to make a comment on the song, let alone sing it,» the
                                                                              friend, Mary Christman, would later tell investigators. She recalled her
                                                                              husband saying, «If the child does not receive medical attention, she
                                                                              will be dead within a week.»
                                                                                     But Amy’s parents are Christian Scientists. They decided to try to
                                                                              heal the child with prayer rather than seek a doctor’s aid. Two days after
                                                                              the Christmans saw her, Amy died of diabetes.
                                                                                     On Monday, Amy’s parents are scheduled to go on trial in the
                                                                              Sarasota County Courthouse on charges of third-degree murder* and
                                                                              felony child abuse**. Prosecutors say William and Christine Herman-
                                                                              son committed a crime by putting religious principles ahead of protect-
                                                                              ing their daughter. The Hermansons say their accusers are wrong. If
                                                                              convicted, the couple could face three to seven years in jail.
                                                                                     At issue is a legal principle with national ramifications. Since
                                                                              1967, no Christian Scientist in the United States has stood trial for de-
                                                                              nying children medical care for religious reasons. Six similar cases are
                                                                              pending, but the Hermansons are the first to go to court.

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