10. like to have read science fiction,
11. watch films and ride a horses. I
12. can't stand hard rock and strong
13. tough kinds of sports. Also I too
14. adore cats and I am being a vegetarian.
1. manage (v) - руководить: I managed the firm. 2) усмирять: We saw her
manage a horse. 3) справляться, ухитряться - He managed to muddle it. to
manage a household - вести дом.
manageable (a) – 1) поддающийся дрессировке: I can't say that your in-
solent cat is manageable. 2) сговорчивый: We won't have problems with him,
management (n) - 1) управление, заведование: I study management at Uni-
versity. 2) администрация: We must inform the management about the strike.
manager (n) - 1) директор, управляющий: He will be an authoritative man-
ager of the firm. 2) хозяин: He is a bankrupt, because he was a bad manager.
2. succeed (v) - 1) следовать за кем-либо, сменять: The generation that
succeeds us is really energetic. 2) достигнуть цели, преуспеть: He will definitely
succeed in life.
success (n) - 1) успех: Her efforts were crowned with success. 2) человек,
пользующийся успехом; произведение, получившее признание: I count that
book among my successes.
successful (a) - быть успешным: She was really successful.
3. give (v) - 1) отдавать: This gives him a right to complain. 2) передавать:
He gives you his good wishes. 3) заражать: You've given me your cold in the
nose. 4) причинять: It gave me much pain. 5) уступать: I give you that point. to
give away - 1) отдать, дарить: She gave away all things to the poor.
2) проговориться: Her trembling lips gave her feelings away. to give back –
возвращаться, отплатить: Give me my papers back. to give in - 1) сдаться:
The French troops gave in. 2) подавать (заявление), отдавать: Fill in the appli-
cation forms and give them in. to give out - 1) раздать: Give the tasks out to the
students. 2) закончиться: My strength gave out. to give up - 1) отставить, от-
казаться: He is given up by the doctors. 2) бросить привычку: He gave up
smoking. 3) сдаваться: He began studying German but gave up at last.
4. live (v) - жить, существовать: She lives beyond her means. to live on -
жить на что- либо: You will have no debts if you live on your salary. to live
down - искупить, загладить: It was such a scandal! We will never live it down.
to live by - жить чем-либо: They aren't rich. They live by their wits. to live up to
- жить согласно чему-либо, быть достойным: I can't live up to my parents ex-
live (a) / lively - 1) живой, деятельный, энергичный: He is so live (lively).
Let's make him our director. 2) животрепещущий: It was a live issue. 3) яркий:
The colours of the coat are live after washing.
life (n) – жизнь:You life will be an example for your grandchildren.
11 10. like to have read science fiction, 11. watch films and ride a horses. I 12. can't stand hard rock and strong 13. tough kinds of sports. Also I too 14. adore cats and I am being a vegetarian. UNIT 3. SURVIVAL VOCABULARY 1. manage (v) - руководить: I managed the firm. 2) усмирять: We saw her manage a horse. 3) справляться, ухитряться - He managed to muddle it. to manage a household - вести дом. manageable (a) – 1) поддающийся дрессировке: I can't say that your in- solent cat is manageable. 2) сговорчивый: We won't have problems with him, management (n) - 1) управление, заведование: I study management at Uni- versity. 2) администрация: We must inform the management about the strike. manager (n) - 1) директор, управляющий: He will be an authoritative man- ager of the firm. 2) хозяин: He is a bankrupt, because he was a bad manager. 2. succeed (v) - 1) следовать за кем-либо, сменять: The generation that succeeds us is really energetic. 2) достигнуть цели, преуспеть: He will definitely succeed in life. success (n) - 1) успех: Her efforts were crowned with success. 2) человек, пользующийся успехом; произведение, получившее признание: I count that book among my successes. successful (a) - быть успешным: She was really successful. 3. give (v) - 1) отдавать: This gives him a right to complain. 2) передавать: He gives you his good wishes. 3) заражать: You've given me your cold in the nose. 4) причинять: It gave me much pain. 5) уступать: I give you that point. to give away - 1) отдать, дарить: She gave away all things to the poor. 2) проговориться: Her trembling lips gave her feelings away. to give back – возвращаться, отплатить: Give me my papers back. to give in - 1) сдаться: The French troops gave in. 2) подавать (заявление), отдавать: Fill in the appli- cation forms and give them in. to give out - 1) раздать: Give the tasks out to the students. 2) закончиться: My strength gave out. to give up - 1) отставить, от- казаться: He is given up by the doctors. 2) бросить привычку: He gave up smoking. 3) сдаваться: He began studying German but gave up at last. 4. live (v) - жить, существовать: She lives beyond her means. to live on - жить на что- либо: You will have no debts if you live on your salary. to live down - искупить, загладить: It was such a scandal! We will never live it down. to live by - жить чем-либо: They aren't rich. They live by their wits. to live up to - жить согласно чему-либо, быть достойным: I can't live up to my parents ex- pectations. live (a) / lively - 1) живой, деятельный, энергичный: He is so live (lively). Let's make him our director. 2) животрепещущий: It was a live issue. 3) яркий: The colours of the coat are live after washing. life (n) – жизнь:You life will be an example for your grandchildren.
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