Практический курс английского языка. Семушина Е.Ю. - 20 стр.



peak. 3) превышать, злоупотреблять: Take this layer. He usually wins because
he strains the law perfectly.
strained (a) – наряженный: She had a strained smile.
6. trip (n) – 1) путешествие: It’s high time to go on a trip. 2) легкая поход-
ка: She was so beautiful with good figure and that trip of hers. 3) ошибка, об-
молвка: Everybody knew about her trip.
trip (v) – 1) идти быстро (легко): She tripped and we were admired by her.
2) спотыкаться: Be careful. Don’t trip over the step. 3) ошибиться: We can’t trip
now. It is very important. 4) поймать: I tripped the boy.
Syn.: tour, voyage, cruise, journey
7. value (n) – 1) ценность: This ring is of no value. 2) стоимость,
цена:They paid him the value of his lost property.
value (v) – 1) оценивать: She valued my jewelry at 5$. 2) дорожить, це-
нить: He values himself on his knowledge.
valuable (a) – 1) ценный, дорогой: It is not a valuable picture.
2) полезный: He gave me valuable information.
valueless (a) бесполезный: Our flat became a storehouse of valueless
8. waste (n) – 1) пустыня: What should you do with your music in the
waste? 2) потери, убыль, ущерб: This is a bad business. Too much waste.
3) отбросы, отходы: Radioactive waste spoiled our nature.
waste (v) – 1)расточать, терять: My joke was wasted upon him.
2) опустошать: The conqueror wasted the country. 3) изнурять: He was wasted
by disease.
waste (a) – 1) опустошенный: The country was laid waste. 2) ненужный: It
was a waste effort.
wasteful (a)расточительный: My husband always calls me a wasteful
Topical vocabulary
as a result
blaze of glory
to camp
to carry on
catalogue of
to get over
to go overland
to jeopardize
to live on
in low spirits
to mob
to put off
to record
to ride a mule
one’s intrinsic self
to spat at
1. Complete this sentences with words associated with holidays and
1. This b… is useless. Don’t you think that this information is o… … d…
2. We can buy a lot of s… in this shop. By the way, do you like this r…
3. At first we decided to have a s… h…, but then went on p… t…
4. Let’s take h… b…, it costs only 15$ here.

peak. 3) превышать, злоупотреблять: Take this layer. He usually wins because
he strains the law perfectly.
     strained (a) – наряженный: She had a strained smile.
     6. trip (n) – 1) путешествие: It’s high time to go on a trip. 2) легкая поход-
ка: She was so beautiful with good figure and that trip of hers. 3) ошибка, об-
молвка: Everybody knew about her trip.
     trip (v) – 1) идти быстро (легко): She tripped and we were admired by her.
2) спотыкаться: Be careful. Don’t trip over the step. 3) ошибиться: We can’t trip
now. It is very important. 4) поймать: I tripped the boy.
     Syn.: tour, voyage, cruise, journey
     7. value (n) – 1) ценность: This ring is of no value. 2) стоимость,
цена:They paid him the value of his lost property.
     value (v) – 1) оценивать: She valued my jewelry at 5$. 2) дорожить, це-
нить: He values himself on his knowledge.
     valuable (a) – 1) ценный, дорогой: It is not a valuable picture.
2) полезный: He gave me valuable information.
     valueless (a) – бесполезный: Our flat became a storehouse of valueless
     8. waste (n) – 1) пустыня: What should you do with your music in the
waste? 2) потери, убыль, ущерб: This is a bad business. Too much waste.
3) отбросы, отходы: Radioactive waste spoiled our nature.
     waste (v) – 1)расточать, терять: My joke was wasted upon him.
2) опустошать: The conqueror wasted the country. 3) изнурять: He was wasted
by disease.
     waste (a) – 1) опустошенный: The country was laid waste. 2) ненужный: It
was a waste effort.
     wasteful (a) – расточительный: My husband always calls me a wasteful

                               Topical vocabulary
     accident                    emperor                  mosquito
     as a result                 to get over              to put off
     blaze of glory              to go overland           raft
     to camp                     to jeopardize            to record
     to carry on                 kit                      to ride a mule
     catalogue of                launch                   self-discipline
     climate                     to live on               one’s intrinsic self
     comfortable                 in low spirits           to spat at
     contamination               to mob                   syringe

     1. Complete this sentences with words associated with holidays and
     1. This b… is useless. Don’t you think that this information is o… … d…
     2. We can buy a lot of s… in this shop. By the way, do you like this r…
     3. At first we decided to have a s… h…, but then went on p… t…
     4. Let’s take h… b…, it costs only 15$ here.