Как вести деловую переписку на английском языке. Шеленкова И.В. - 107 стр.


memorandum (memo) – служебная записка, докладная записка
concisely – кратко, сжато, лаконично
permissible – позволительный, допустимый
assume – принимать на себя, предполагать, допускать
streamlined – хорошо налаженный; рационализированный
telephone extension добавочный номер, внутренний номер
(в коммутаторе, внутренней АТС)
accessible – доступный, понятный
to convey сообщать, передавать (мысль)
C.P. Dalloway & Sons
Interoffice Memo
TO: Charles Dalloway, Jr.
FROM: Clarissa Woolf
DATE: August 18, [year]
SUBJECT: Alternative Methods of Payment to Our New Overseas
Because our suppliers have placed us on open account, these are the
alternative methods of payment available to us:
1. Check this method is slow. It requires clearance through the
international banking system and will cost some of our suppliers
additional bank charges. In some countries, clearance can take as long as
a month.
2. Bank draft our bank will issue a draft drawn on a bank in the
supplier's country and currency. Because we send this directly to our
suppliers, they receive prompt credit.
3. Electronic transfer our bank instructs an overseas bank to pay
our supplier in either our or their currency. This is the quickest method of
payment, but our fees will be the highest.
Please let me know your preference, and I will communicate it to our
Figure 7.3. Interoffice memorandum