Фонетический практикум по практической фонетике (английский язык). Шепетовская А.Л. - 5 стр.



Fee feed feet field seeing
Be bead beat meal evening
He heed heat reel eager
Pea peas peace wheel easy
Knee knees niece zeal teamster
Ex.2 Read the following words paying special attention to the pronunciation
Beat bit read rid
Seat sit deed did
Feet fit lead lid
Eat it teen tin
Cheap chip bean bin
Leak lick heel hill
Peak pick peel pill
Ex.3 Read the following sense-groups, mind the rhythm and intonation
a) Pete; Pete eats; Pete eats meat; Pete eats lean meat; Steve and Pete eat lean
meat; Steve and Pete eat lean meat and green beans;
b) Ease; with equal ease; Japanese with equal ease; Chinese and Japanese with
equal ease; speaks Chinese and Japanese with equal ease; he speaks Chinese and
Japanese with equal ease.
Ex.3 Read and pronounce the following sentences
1. Pleased to meet you.
2. A pea for a bean.
3. Extremes meet.
4. Greek meets Greek.
5. It’s extremely sweet of Lea.
6. The teacher has every reason to be displeased.
7. I’ll treat Jean to peach ice-cream.