Power Engineering. Соколова Е.В. - 16 стр.



Much progress has been made in vacuum techniques in the last half century, contrib-
uting greatly to the advancement of vacuum tube technology.
3. From the standpoint of the physical interaction between free electrons and
associated circuitry, vacuum tubes as active devices may be classified into two
groups: one employs lumped-constant circuits; the other, parametric distributed lines.
Conventional diodes, triodes, tetrodes, and pentodes belong to the former; magne-
trons and travelling waves tubes fall into the latter group. 4. Vacuum tubes have nu-
merous applications in engineering, the most important being high-power high-
frequency generators, and low-level signal amplifiers and detectors.
5.6 Переведите словосочетания
to involve a phenomenon, to involve a problem, the problem involved, as far as
radio electronics is concerned
5.7 Ответьте на вопросы
1. What has been the dominant device in the electronic field for the last half
century? 2. What two basic phenomena, are involved in electron tubes? 3. What is
necessary for moving an electron in a metal from the Fermi level to infinity 4. What
does electron emission depend upon? 5. In what field of science has much progress
been made in the last half, century? 6. Into what groups may vacuum tubes be classi-
fied? 7. What is the most important application of vacuum tubes?
5.8 Переведите предложения
1. The grid being positively charged, it attracts electron and increases their
flow from the filament to the plate. 2. A certain amount of work is necessary for
moving an electron in a metal from the Fermi level to "infinity". 3. Having passed
through the stages of amplification background noises increase hundreds of thou-
sands of times. 4. Electron conduction takes place only when the plate is positive,
giving pulses of current going in just this one direction. 5. The "active medium" of
the material responsible for transferring energy is the free electron
5.9 Определите, какой частью речи являются слова
electronic, basic, responsible, emitter, constant, infinity, particularly, equation,
emission, advancement, parametric, parametric, classify.
5.10 Переведите используя слова и словосочетания
to deal with, two basic phenomena, to occur, to depend on
В этой статье говорится об электронных лампах и о двух основных явле-
ниях, происходящих в этих лампах. Известно, что электронная эмиссия зависит
Much progress has been made in vacuum techniques in the last half century, contrib-
uting greatly to the advancement of vacuum tube technology.
       3. From the standpoint of the physical interaction between free electrons and
associated circuitry, vacuum tubes as active devices may be classified into two
groups: one employs lumped-constant circuits; the other, parametric distributed lines.
Conventional diodes, triodes, tetrodes, and pentodes belong to the former; magne-
trons and travelling waves tubes fall into the latter group. 4. Vacuum tubes have nu-
merous applications in engineering, the most important being high-power high-
frequency generators, and low-level signal amplifiers and detectors.

      5.6 Переведите словосочетания

       to involve a phenomenon, to involve a problem, the problem involved, as far as
radio electronics is concerned

      5.7 Ответьте на вопросы

       1. What has been the dominant device in the electronic field for the last half
century? 2. What two basic phenomena, are involved in electron tubes? 3. What is
necessary for moving an electron in a metal from the Fermi level to infinity 4. What
does electron emission depend upon? 5. In what field of science has much progress
been made in the last half, century? 6. Into what groups may vacuum tubes be classi-
fied? 7. What is the most important application of vacuum tubes?

      5.8 Переведите предложения

      1. The grid being positively charged, it attracts electron and increases their
flow from the filament to the plate. 2. A certain amount of work is necessary for
moving an electron in a metal from the Fermi level to "infinity". 3. Having passed
through the stages of amplification background noises increase hundreds of thou-
sands of times. 4. Electron conduction takes place only when the plate is positive,
giving pulses of current going in just this one direction. 5. The "active medium" of
the material responsible for transferring energy is the free electron

      5.9 Определите, какой частью речи являются слова

      electronic, basic, responsible, emitter, constant, infinity, particularly, equation,
emission, advancement, parametric, parametric, classify.

      5.10 Переведите используя слова и словосочетания

      to deal with, two basic phenomena, to occur, to depend on

      В этой статье говорится об электронных лампах и о двух основных явле-
ниях, происходящих в этих лампах. Известно, что электронная эмиссия зависит