Английский язык в сфере профессиональной коммуникации: природопользование. Тарасова Л.А - 34 стр.


bird [b :d] - ïòèöà
solid ['s lid] - òâåðäûé, êðåïêèé, ñïëîøíîé, öåëûé
vessel [vesl] - ñîñóä, ñóäíî, êîðàáëü
liquid ['likwid] - æèäêèé
shape [' eip] - ôîðìà, î÷åðòàíèå,
size [saiz] - ðàçìåð, âåëè÷èíà, îáúåì
incandescent lamp - ëàìïà íàêàëèâàíèÿ
red hot - ðàñêàëåííûé äîêðàñíà
mouth blow-pipe - ïàÿëüíàÿ òðóáêà
cubic foot - êóáè÷åñêèé ôóò
square inch - êâàäðàòíûé äþéì
to catch fire - çàãîðàòüñÿ
as well - òàêæå
that is why - âîò ïî÷åìó
I. Îáùèå âîïðîñû ¦ 1) Do they travel a lot?
General Questions ¦ 2) Are they travelling across Spain now?
(òðåáóþò îòâåòà «äà», «íåò»)¦ 3) Have they been travelling for fortnight?
yes/no ¦ 4) Have they ever travelled in Spain?
II. Ñïåöèàëüíûå âîïðîñû ¦ 1) Where do they like to travel?
WH questions ¦ 2) Why are they travelling in Spain?
(íà÷èíàþòñÿ ñ âîïðîñè- ¦ 3) How long have they been travelling?
òåëüíîãî ñëîâà) where, ¦ 4) What have they seen in Spain?
why, how long, what, ¦ 5) Who is travelling across Spain now?
who, which of you ¦ 6) Which of you has been travelling?
III. Àëüòåðíàòèâíûå âîïðîñû ¦ 1) Do they travel or do they stay at home?
Alternative questions ¦ 2) Are they travelling or are they
(âîïðîñ âûáîðà ìåæäó | staying at home?
äâóìÿ äåéñòâèÿìè, ïðåä- ¦ 3) Have they been travelling for
ìåòàìè è ò.ï.) or | fortnight or a month?
¦ 4) Have they travelled in Spain or
| in Portugal?
bird          [b :d]       -   ïòèöà
solid         ['s lid]     -   òâåðäûé, êðåïêèé, ñïëîøíîé, öåëûé
vessel         [vesl]      -   ñîñóä, ñóäíî, êîðàáëü
liquid        ['likwid]    -   æèäêèé
shape         [' ei p]     -   ôîðìà, î÷åðòàíèå,
size          [saiz]       -   ðàçìåð, âåëè÷èíà, îáúåì


incandescent lamp           - ëàìïà íàêàëèâàíèÿ
red hot                     - ðàñêàëåííûé äîêðàñíà
mouth blow-pi pe            - ïàÿëüíàÿ òðóáêà
cubic foot                  - êóáè÷åñêèé ôóò
square inch                 - êâàäðàòíûé äþéì
to catch fire               - çàãîðàòüñÿ
as well                     - òàêæå
that is why                 - âîò ïî÷åìó

                          ÒÈÏÛ ÂÎÏÐÎÑÎÂ

I. Îáùèå âîïðîñû            ¦ 1) Do they travel a lot?
General Questions           ¦ 2) Are they travelling across Spain now?
(òðåáóþò îòâåòà «äà», «íåò»)¦ 3) Have they been travelling for fortnight?
yes/no                      ¦ 4) Have they ever travelled in Spain?
II. Ñïåöèàëüíûå âîïðîñû ¦ 1) Where do they like to travel?
WH questions                ¦ 2) Why are they travelling in Spain?
(íà÷èíàþòñÿ ñ âîïðîñè- ¦ 3) How long have they been travelling?
òåëüíîãî ñëîâà) where,      ¦ 4) What have they seen in Spain?
why, how long, what,        ¦ 5) Who is travelling across Spain now?
who, which of you           ¦ 6) Which of you has been travelling?
III. Àëüòåðíàòèâíûå âîïðîñû ¦ 1) Do they travel or do they stay at home?
Alternative questions       ¦ 2) Are they travelling or are they
(âîïðîñ âûáîðà ìåæäó        |    staying at home?
äâóìÿ äåéñòâèÿìè, ïðåä- ¦ 3) Have they been travelling for
ìåòàìè è ò.ï.) or           |     fortnight or a month?
                            ¦ 4) Have they travelled in Spain or
                            |     in Portugal?