Учебные задания для развития умений аудирования на базе аудиотекстов "Streamline English". Ч.1. Тогмитова В.В - 12 стр.


- Yes, I____. I asked him ___ ring later. He says he'___ring you this
- That’___ fine. ____Chris photocopied that report yet?
- Not yet...but I told him ___ do it immediately. I think he'___doing it
- Good. ____you tell Miss Davis ____ to ring her boyfriend from here?
- Oh, yes...I told her ____ to use the office phone for personal calls. She
says she won’t do it again. I’m sure she ____n’t.
- I hope she ____n’t. Her boyfriend live__ in Australia!
V. Think of 5 more instructions Mr. Power gave to his secretary an
hour later. Start with……
a) Did you________________________?
b) Have you ______________________ ?
c) Did you_________________________?
d) Did you_________________________?
e) Has he _________________________ ?
VI. What can you say about Mr. Power’s secretary? Write down things
you think you know about her (her work, her lifestyle, her friends,
things she has done recently). Now compare you statements with some
others done by students.
VII. Look at this.
«Ask him to ring later.»
«Can you ring later?»
She asks him to ring later.
«Tell her not to use the office phone for personal calls.»
«Please don’t use the office phone for personal calls.»
She told her not to use the office phone for personal calls.
Do the exercise.
«I can’t do it.» (he says)
He says he can’t do it.
«That’ll be all right.» (she thinks)
«It’s important.» (she knows)
«I’m busy.» (he’s afraid)
«She won’t do it again.» (she’s sure)
«She rang her boyfriend.» (she’s sorry)
«Her boyfriend lives in Australia.» (he says)
VIII. Miss Davis has a boyfriend, who lives in Australia. She uses an
office phone for personal calls everyday.
Read the phone talk between Miss Davis and her boyfriend. Say what
Kelly Davis is talking about?
Model: She tells him that she is doing well.
«I am doing well.»……………….
She knows he is going to London on business trip next week. She is
pleased he will be here for about a week. She asks him no to take his
cousin to London. She asks him not to buy a lot presents. She is glad
he can take her on holiday to Spain next month. She wants to see him
as soon as possible. She tells she is too much missing him.
IX. You and your friends have been to the party. You have just met an
English girl. Look at some things that she is telling you. How can you
report these things now?
Model: «My name is Sandra and I come from London.»
She tells us her name is Sandra and that she is from London.
- Yes, I____. I asked him ___ ring later. He says he'___ring you this         Do the exercise.
   afternoon.                                                                 «I can’t do it.» (he says)
- That’___ fine. ____Chris photocopied that report yet?                       He says he can’t do it.
- Not yet...but I told him ___ do it immediately. I think he'___doing it      «That’ll be all right.» (she thinks)
   now.                                                                       «It’s important.» (she knows)
- Good. ____you tell Miss Davis ____ to ring her boyfriend from here?         «I’m busy.» (he’s afraid)
- Oh, yes...I told her ____ to use the office phone for personal calls. She   «She won’t do it again.» (she’s sure)
   says she won’t do it again. I’m sure she ____n’t.                          «She rang her boyfriend.» (she’s sorry)
- I hope she ____n’t. Her boyfriend live__ in Australia!                      «Her boyfriend lives in Australia.» (he says)

V. Think of 5 more instructions Mr. Power gave to his secretary an            VIII. Miss Davis has a boyfriend, who lives in Australia. She uses an
hour later. Start with……                                                      office phone for personal calls everyday.
   a) Did you________________________?                                        Read the phone talk between Miss Davis and her boyfriend. Say what
   b) Have you ______________________ ?                                       Kelly Davis is talking about?
   c) Did you_________________________?
   d) Did you_________________________?                                       Model: She tells him that she is doing well.
   e) Has he _________________________ ?                                             «I am doing well.»……………….

VI. What can you say about Mr. Power’s secretary? Write down things           She knows he is going to London on business trip next week. She is
you think you know about her (her work, her lifestyle, her friends,           pleased he will be here for about a week. She asks him no to take his
things she has done recently). Now compare you statements with some           cousin to London. She asks him not to buy a lot presents. She is glad
others done by students.                                                      he can take her on holiday to Spain next month. She wants to see him
                                                                              as soon as possible. She tells she is too much missing him.
 VII. Look at this.
«Ask him to ring later.»                                                      IX. You and your friends have been to the party. You have just met an
«Can you ring later?»                                                         English girl. Look at some things that she is telling you. How can you
She asks him to ring later.                                                   report these things now?
«Tell her not to use the office phone for personal calls.»
«Please don’t use the office phone for personal calls.»                       Model: «My name is Sandra and I come from London.»
She told her not to use the office phone for personal calls.                         She tells us her name is Sandra and that she is from London.

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