Reader on Science and Technology. Пособие по английскому языку для студентов инженерных специальностей. Тугарина В.П - 52 стр.


There are similarities between brains and computers.
Computers can do complicated calculations at incredible speeds.
But they work in a fixed way, because they can't make memory
associations. If we need a screwdriver and there isn't one, we
will think laterally and use a knife or coin instead. Computers
can't do this. In fact, it is claimed that when it comes to seeing,
moving and reacting to stimuli, no computer can compete with
even the brain power of a fly.
Most of our mental processes are deeply formed habits.
Challenging your brain to do things differently helps it develop.
Try changing routines as often as you can: take a bus instead of
going by car, sit in a different chair. An extreme but useful
exercise is to read something upside down — you can actually
feel your brain at work.
Exercise more. Good health and fitness levels give you
overall improved energy which leads to better concentration.
Cooking is a good all-round mental exercise. It needs
mathematical, organisational and scientific skills as well as
challenging memory and creative ability. Use recipes at first and
then learn to guess amounts, combinations, reactions of
ingredients and timing.
Do puzzles and play games. Teach yourself to work out
codes and expand your vocabulary at the same time.
II. Reading for main ideas.
1. Read the article and choose the most suitable headings
given bellow for each paragraph.
1. Need for blood
2. Do we know much?
3. The super computer
4. Is bigger better?
5. Make your brain work
6. The battle of males and females.
7. A horrifying history.
2. Read the article again to name more exciting facts on
this topic the first has been done for you
1. The girls under seven score a little higher than boys in IQ
2. __________
3. __________
4. __________
Text 13
I. Before reading.
1. Read the headline of the article and say what it will be
about using the choice below:
a. The revolution in the field of food industry
b. The founders of the Pak Company
c. New products of the Pak Company
2. Read the article and say if your predictions were
Gad and Hans Rausing are among the richest men in Brit-
ain, their wealth surpassing even that of the Queen. These
Swedish brothers, who came to Britain in 1983 have made
their millions from one product - TetraPak, the aluminium and
plastic laminated container for milk and fruit juice found all
over the world.