Английский язык. Юлаева С.С. - 5 стр.



-or to visit, to direct, to translate, to supply.
II. Form nouns by adding the suffix –ian. Translate them.
History, library, music, politics, mathematics, academy.
III. Translate the following nouns and state what they denote:
1) colonist, tourist, revisionist;
2) geologist, violinist, botanist, pianist;
3) royalist, modernist, nationalist, separatist.
IV. Translate the following correlative pairs of words. State the
of the suffix –ee.
- employer – employee
- interviewer – interviewee
- payer – payee
- trainer – trainee
- voter – votee
V. Suggest the English for:
- высокооплачиваемая работа;
- заявление о намерениях;
- в обратном хронологическом порядке;
- пройти курс;
- закончить с отличием;
- последнее место работы;
- следуйте в обратном хронологическом порядке;
- занятия в нерабочее время;
- потерянная возможность.
VI. Suggest the Russian for:
- personal information;
- job objective;
- to obtain a managerial position;
- emphasizing important activities;
- activities and professional affiliations;
- major projects;
- travel experiences;
- available upon request;
- format of a resume.