13. An underground or underwater passage for an automobile road. railway. Very
often it is built through or under a hill, a river, a town or a mountain. (tunnel)
14. Heavy firm earth. When it is wet it is soft, but it becomes hard when it is heated to
a high temperature. Many things are made of it, for example, cups, plates and bricks.
15. Flat pieces of bread with some cold food between them. It is eaten with your
hands. (sandwich)
16. Knowledge or skill which comes from practice rather than books. (experience)
17. A trail or a test which is made usually by. scientists to learn something or prove
some scientific idea. (experiment)
18. The movement of people or vehicles along the streets or roads, the movement of
ships in the seas, the movement of planes in the sky. (traffic)
19. The rate of movement, in other words, it is the distance travelled divided by the
time of travel. (speed)
20. A measure of length which is equal to about 30.5 cm. (foot)
21. Something unpleasant, undesirable or damaging that happens quite unexpectedly
or by chance. (accident)
22. The study or knowledge which can be made into a system and which depends on
seeing, understanding and testing facts. (science)
23. The case of finding something which existed before but was not known to people.
It is often a place or a scientific fact. (discovery)
24. The act of interpretation with the help of words, pictures, gestures. (explanation)
25. A difficulty that needs attention and thought in order to solve it. (problem)
a) b)
a d v i s e r
e i n s t e i n
d x
x e r o x
m p i e c e
p h y s i c i s t
i g n o r e
e d i s o n
s c h o o l
r a d i u m
s l
i n v e n t o r
i n t e r e s t
m i l l i o