Методические указания по изучению грамматики английского языка. Васильева Г.В - 15 стр.


1. A friend of mine studies at the faculty of computer science, doesn't he?
2. He did not enter the Institute, did he?
3. Your special field is radioelectronics, isn't it?
4. She cannot speak English, can she?
5. This young man is not a student of our Institute, is he?
6. Your sister is good at chemistry, isn't she?
7. You will not go there, will you?
8. The students of your group will do research in the field of computer
designing, won't they?
Задайте разделительный вопрос по образцу:
He studies English. He studies English, doesn't he?
1. She can speak to foreign colleagues if necessary.
2. It is interesting to speak to people in another language.
3. This young engineer does not work at our laboratory.
4. He is not interested in physics.
5. "Sandwich." courses appeared after the war.
6. She will enter the Institute in a year.
7. Your sister does not speak French.
8. You translated this article without a dictionary.
1. A friend of mine studies at the faculty of computer science, doesn't he?
2. He did not enter the Institute, did he?
3. Your special field is radioelectronics, isn't it?
4. She cannot speak English, can she?
5. This young man is not a student of our Institute, is he?
6. Your sister is good at chemistry, isn't she?
7. You will not go there, will you?
8. The students of your group will do research in the field of computer
   designing, won't they?

      Задайте разделительный вопрос по образцу:
         He studies English. He studies English, doesn't he?

1. She can speak to foreign colleagues if necessary.
2. It is interesting to speak to people in another language.
3. This young engineer does not work at our laboratory.
4. He is not interested in physics.
5. "Sandwich." courses appeared after the war.
6. She will enter the Institute in a year.
7. Your sister does not speak French.
8. You translated this article without a dictionary.